SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz v1.11 Build 1031 can't rename files from tags

Yesterday I’ve installed the free version unter openSuse 10.2 with jre-1.6.0_02 and it
starts without proplems (great! the former version v1.10 build 1030 doesn’t start on my Linux, only under Windows 2000 with SP4 and even so jre-1.6.0).

A short test with some files was successfull up to save files with filenames changed from tag information.

If a filename is changed from e.g. “Unknown Artist - 03 - Track 03.mp3” to a simple name like “Title-Artist.mp3” and I try to save this change the a message-box with the first line “There was a problem changing some files, these have been left with status of changed” and then a line with “Record Number 0 with file /home/hl/mp3/Ave Maria-Aaron Neville.mp3” cannot be saved, it does not seem to exist has it been moved by an external application?"

With v1.11 Build 1031 under Windows the behaviour is the same, with v1.10 build 1030 it wasn’t a problem to correct the tag information with Jaikoz, rename the files in Jaikoz and get them renamed by saving all changes in Jaikoz.

Is it possible for others to reproduce this and is there an idea what could be a reason?

Best regards


Yes its the same issue as

there will be a new release tomorrow that address this problem