SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz Ultimate Processing Wizard

Dear Paul,

First I have to say that I’m already very happy with the current feature set. I just wanted to share some thoughts around a GUI/wizard that would make my life (and maybe the life of all users) a lot easier.

The concept is based on an iteration through the open file list with buttons to commit single fields values. I often like only 1 or a few of the presented results.

I admit that this takes some time to implement…
Just wanted to help you filling up your feature pipeline :slight_smile:

I created a high level GUI example with some more info.


Hi David

Sorry I dont really understand this. How about just explaining what is wrong with the current Jaikoz system THEN we can devise a solution.

Well let me try to explain.

There’s nothing wrong with Jaikoz but my approach to collecting music makes it difficult for Jaikoz to have a good accuracy.

Other than most people I don’t care about albums. I only care about songs. I put them in folders that make sense to me. eg. 80’s

When I run an autocorrect in folder 80’s I have a perfect hitrate of 10%. Lot’s of the results are compilation albums which are often the true source of my files. But I want the original source in my tags. I don’t mind that it is only 10% but it takes me a lot of time to go through the list song by song to approve the good ones.

With the wizard I would be able to sequentially go through the list and either approve part of the values, all of the values or totally neglect the proposed values.

It would already help if the changes tab would include the cover in large format.

Does this help to understand my problem? Or do you have tips on getting a 100% perfect hitrate?


HI, its slightly confusing to me that you say you don’t care about albums, but then you do care because you want the original album field rather than the compilation album. There are preferences to prefer matching original albums rather than compilations but I think what you want to use is Manual Correct from Musicbrainz

Just run this, and for the first X songs it will show potential matches ordered by score and you can pick your preferrred match for the song or no match at all, I think that would do the job.

Correction, I don’t care about full albums but I do care about the (original) album metadata of the individual songs…

Prefer matching original is already switched on.
I also use Manual correct from Musicbrainz.

But then we come back to my original post. If I had an easy mechanism to view, compare, approve and close the autocorrect matches, it would save me a lot of time. When the processing of a folder via the wizard is ready I would be left with only a shortlist of items that need a manual correct approach.

Anyway, only if you have no inspiration for new features. :slight_smile: