General Terms
This section explains the terminology used within Jaikoz and the main components of Jaikoz
- MP3 is a audio format, which compresses music files to a small size making them suitable for storing on a computer.
- Ogg is an open source media container format for storing audio and video. Jaikoz currently only supports use of Ogg with Vorbis Audio.
- OggVorbis is an open source audio format, similar to MP3 but newer and of a higher quality, it uses the ogg container format to store Vorbis Audio
- Flac is an open source lossless audio format, that preserves the original recording exactly.
- MP4 is a audio/video container format for storing audio and video. Jaikoz only supports use of Mp4 with Audio files
- M4P is a protected version of MP4, Jaikoz can edit the Metadata within an M4p audio file without affecting the protection.
- AAC is an audio format normally used within MP4
- Metadata is the term for any information about a music file other then the music file itself.
- Tag is another term for Metadata within songs.
- ID3 is the tag format for use with MP3 files.
- ID3v1 is the original format which is very basic but supports many applications . It comes in two flavours ID3v1.0 and ID3v1.1.
- ID3v2 is a newer more advanced format which allows over 100 different types of information to be stored. It comes in three versions ID3v2.2,ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4. ID3v2 is not supported by all applications and some applications only support a particular version.
- Vorbis Comment is the tag format for use with OggVorbis and Flac files.
- Unicode is a way of specifying characters, it supports almost every language in the world.
- Main Menu is accessible at the top of the screen
- Pop-up Menus are available from within the tabs
- Pop-up Window is a new window to the main application window
Jaikoz Terms
- By default Jaikoz shows an Edit Panel and a Detail Panel but you can also show a View Panel by selecting the View/Show View Panel Menu Item. Then the screen is split horizontally between the View and Edit Panels, you can adjust the proportion of the screen taken up by each Panel by adjusting the divider up and down. The Panels contain tabs
- You can view the contents of a tab using the vertical and horizontal scroll bars
- Each tab consists of a table which holds audio information.
- A table consist of Columns and Rows
- A Column Header displays the list item of the column.
- Fields store the data within a column and refers to particular information such as Artist or Album
- Values are what are stored by a field such as the ‘Artist’ field may contain the value ‘The MisVitals’. Some fields can have multiple values for example the Genre field may contain two values such as ‘Rock’ and ‘Pop’
- Attributes make up parts of the value. Most values have only one attribute, but some values have multiple attributes, for example an attached picture has the image itself, an image name and an image type
- Record refers to a single row in a Panel
The Jaikoz Way
Jaikoz has been designed to allow you to do your editing as quickly and easily as possible. Is it particularly good if you have a large music collection, if you have ever used another tagger then you will find time spent using Jaikoz well spent.
- Pop Windows have been limited. Pop-up Windows are slow and cumbersome,Jaikoz allows you to edit 99% of the time directly within the Edit panel, pop ups are only used for editing multiple values for a field.
- Generous type checking . Jaikoz does not impose unnecessary restrictions on your editing
- Intelligent Auto Fixing if you enter an invalid value Jaikoz tries to convert the value to an allowable value, if it cannot the value is left unchanged. This is much more user friendly then bringing up pop-up window errors
- Keyboard and Mouse traversal are provided with many short cut keys available to perform common tasks.