SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz tag for Genre not picked up by Twonky Server

I recently installed a Linn DSM and WD Mybook with Twonky Media Server 5.1.9 installed.

After ripping CDs to FLAC, copying OGG and MP3 files plus downloading a number of albums in FLAC format I was looking at a bit of a mess. So I purchased Jaikoz and set to work cleaning up the tags.

First I did an autocorrect using default settings. After that my 11’000 songs were spread over 200 different genres. This is not what I like to see so I manually changed the Genre field using just 15 standard genres such as Rock, Classical, Jazz, etc.

After that was done it all looks very neat in Jaikoz. The issue is that in Twonky I have 38 Genres and 100s of albums with unknown genre. It does not appear to read Genre correctly from the metadata file.

My question is simply: What is going wrong and what do you suggest I do instead :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance, Per.

Hi, can you establish which file formats the genres are being displayed correctly for, and which file formats they are not.

Hi Paul,

Sorry for the late response. It seems that the files that are now stored under unknown genre are all alac or ogg. The flac files that I have updated seem to get accepted.

There are a lot of files so I am not willing to guarantee if this hypothesis is bullet proof.

Best, Per.


Hi, sorry for the late reply I only just noticed this but really you need to ask Twonky about this.