SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz sets all artist feilds to "various"


Not sure if I’m doing something wrong, I had a play around in the preferences and I can’t see anything obvious.

I have a 2 disc/36 song compilation that appears to be fully populated in musicbrainz ( ID - 5b3a356b-c0a3-45b9-8e59-de2270c4124b — Don’t judge me :wink:

when I auto correct or Actions->remote correct -> auto correct from musicbrainz ID it fills in the Artist, Album Artist and Artists fields with “Various Artists” - it also insists on adding the wrong album art Grooves vol. 6 - which I can’t find any musicbrainz info on!)

What I want to happen is that the Artist Field is populated by the singer. When I force this manually I get a file name “various Artists-Album-Title” This allows my file and folder structure to keep the compilation together, but when I play or search in my music play it shows me who is singing the song.

Clearly I don’t want to do this manually for all my compilations.

Is this possible in Jaikoz and I’m just doing something wrong, or is it not possible (if not could I add it to a wish list :slight_smile:

Many thanks for any help

Hi, yes certainly the artist field should contains ‘James Blunt’ ectera, not ‘Various Artist’ , but that is what is does do for me so Im confused. Are you taking about the artist field or the filename ?

Is it possible the wrong artwork is coming form an invalid match to Discogs, please delete the artwork, and recorrect from Musicbrainz only to check this, and check that all songs have been matched to the Musicbrainz release you are intending it to match to. If it doesnt match the correct album try Action/Match Song to Release/Match Songs to One Release


The same thing happens with mine Paul, The Artist Field is amended to Various Artist as is the Sort Artist Field

Is this just on Beta ?

Found a change with the Musicbrainz Testserver breaking something in beta , and now fixed, not aware with an issue with the 3.11.1 release

Yes Paul it is on the beta version
Many thanks will give it a try

Thanks for clarification, but its only fixed locally I would have to do another release to fix the beta.