SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz not saving artists

When I have songs from one artist (as example a CD) and loading the tracks into Jaikoz, the artist is written in capital letters. This is wrong, so I match this CD with MusicBainz. It gives me back the artistnames in Title Case, which is Ok. Saving and unloading the tracks from Jaikoz. Loading them again the artistnames are still in capital letters.
I have to change the fields manually and save it, then its all right.
It seems to me that Jaikoz doesn’t recognize that the artist field was changed by MusicBrainz, if it affects only the large / small-scription.

Im having no luck replicating this problem, seems to work fine for me - have you taken a look at the log files.