SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz not being able to save changes .old files

Every time I try to save (or force save) it shows multiple errors saying it can’t save .old files.

Support files please.


I have emailed support files. Thanks!

Hi, where did you send them I havent recieved them.

That wrong, its

ok thanks. Sent again.

Your files are stored within iTunes.
Sometimes (as in this case) Jaikoz modifies files by

Moving file to file.old
Creating a new File
If all okay, deleting file.old

but it is failing renaming the original file, probably because something (such as iTunes) is holding onto the file preventing it being renamed. Could you try shutting down iTunes or anything else that maybe using these files before reattempting save with Jaikoz.

I am having the same problem as the original poster with Jaikoz v.5.1.1 NGS (build 1117) running on a MacBook Pro (Mac OS 10.8.2 and iTunes 11.0.1). For me, shutting down iTunes did not allow Saves (I get the same message as the original poster, that says Jaikoz cannot rename the original file to .old format).

I think there is a permissions issue going on - when I “get info” on an individual iTunes file I want to save changes on, I find listed “everyone” with “custom” privileges (in addition to another “everyone” with “read & write” privileges, and my usual personal and admin privileges). If I manually change the “everyone” “custom” privileges to “read & write” privileges, I find that I can save successfully from within Jaikoz.

Unfortunately, I am not able to change all the songs in a folder to “read & write” by changing privileges in the enclosing folder (using get info settings) or by using chmod in terminal. As a result, the only way to get permissions on multiple files to change is to individually change each file from “everyone - custom” to “everyone- read & write” from each file’s Get Info window.

I have emailed you my support zip file. Do you have any tricks I can try to fix my iTunes files privileges so that Jaikoz will save to multiple files?

Thanks in advance!

Hi, sounds like you have got to the core of the problem, but I don’t really understand what permission=custom means, what is custom set to ?

Clearly Jaikoz needs to be able write to these file, and sometimes it needs to delete files because the file is moved and a new vesion created.

I confess to not being an expert on how the permission model works on OSX but why doesnt using chmod fix the permissions issue