SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz moved music files

Hi to All,
would greatly appreciate if I can get the help on the following.
Recently I did tagging on all my music collection (about 5000 songs), worked nicely, but after I saved changes and uploaded them to iTunes (I am running OSX), Jaikoz moved all files from designated external HD Music to unknown location. When I click on the individual file in iTunes Get info see the following - Macintosh HD : Volumes : Abba : Abba : Dancing Queen.mp3 (as an example). When I try to physically locate this file in this location nothing can be seen, just my external HDs, but no the location mentioned above.
Please, help - why does Jaikoz do so and when is now my music collection located?
Thank You for help and explanation, much appreciated.

Hi Jaikoz never moves files unless you ask it to move them by changing the SubFolder or by using Save and Move. However if using Jaikoz with iTunes and you have iTunes configured to keep iTunes Media Folder Organised then iTunes my move the files depdndent on the new metadata,

Is that what is happening ?
Does the file play okay in iTunes ?

Good morning Paul,
thank You for your quick reply.
iTunes play files with no problems. * Keep iTunes media folder organized* is not configured, so, iTunes should not move any files. But You mentioned about subfolder change. What is it? Where can I see this setting and what is the correct setting for it?
Another thing I noticed is when I open inquiry for music files in Jaikoz I see all these newly created individual folders with just 1 mp3 file in it under Devices in Finder, but when I try to see the same folders just in Finder there are not showing up, just my Macintosh HD and external HDs?
Another question I have - can I return all these newly created folders (basically, it is my music collection) to its default location Music (external HD) in some way?
Thank You, your help is appreciated

It seem as though Jaikoz has moved all mp3’s to a different location.

I just ran through my weekly tagging of new music only to find that they are not in the folder that Jaikoz is set up to get files from and save files too.

I ran some further tests to see if it would do it again but it didn’t. Very strange.

It didn’t hurt me too bad as it was only a weeks worth of new music however 5000 or more tracks would be very hurtful. Maybe it only does this when there are more than 100 files?

I should also point out that it only moved (or possibly deleted) mp3 files as all my wave files were still in the main folder or there respected sub-folders.

I would agree with djshadow that Jaikoz did not touch .wav files, but all my .mp3 were moved out. As far as I will be advised how to correctly setup Jaikoz and move my mp3 back to designated Music external HD everything will be fine.

Can you guys send me your support files (Advanced/Create Support FIles) so I can track what has happened. But as I said before Jaikoz will not move files unless you told it to (maybe inadvertently) somewhere along the way

Paul,thanks for your time and support, problem is solved. It was not Jaikoz fault, but Leopard on my Macbook. Files found and restored to their designated location.

okay, good result.