SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz move-on-save ignores Base folder; saves back to original source folder

I’ve a music collection in: /home/arby/Media/Music

I want to Load from that location, use Jaikoz to make changes/corrections, then Save to a new location.

To that end, I’ve set in Jaikoz’ prefs,

Preferences -> General -> Base folder


General -> Default Read Folder
[X] Load Fromd this Folder on Startup


Preferences -> Save -> General -> Move folder
[X] move associated files

As expected, on Jaikoz startup all music in my collection is loaded.

BUT, if in Edit window I select an album’s songs, make corrections etc, then click “Save” … the changes are saved BACK to the originally read


folder, instead of the targeted/desired



Is this the correct setup/config for saving selected changes to a new folder path?

You need to select Save and Move not Save to move folders to a new location which you have correctly set in Save/General/Move Folder

But also importantly you’ve misunderstood the purpose of base folder. When songs are loaded there is the filename itself and then the folder path. Within Jaikoz we split the folder path into base folder and subfolder so every song loaded into Jaikoz filepath is split into a basefolder/subfolder and filename.

The reasoning behind this is that folderpaths contains a part unrelated to the metadata (basefolder) and a part based on the songs metadata (subfolder). So when you use Rename Subfolder from Metadata only the subfolder part is modified and if you use Save and Move then just the basefolder part is replaced by the move folder.

So your Base Folder should be set to /home/arby/Media/Music as it is the default you have set is just ignored because it not part of the root of the file paths of the songs being loaded. Jaikoz will guess the basefolder/subfolder split instead and I would expect it to get it right so it doesn’t really matter but useful to know how things works.

Thanks for the clarification.

So, iiuc, when I “Save and move” it should move all to the pre-defined “Move folder” ?

Atm, even with the “Move folder” defined in prefs, on “Save & Move”, a selection dialog is opened to location == “/home/myuser”, and i have to nav to the target folder on each & every save.

How do I auto-move to the predefined folder when I select “Save and Move”?

Perhaps I’ve misunderstood …

It should just use the Save and Move Folder.

So you have General:Save:Move Folder set to

Yet the folder dialog always opens to

Please double check this is the case, and the folder
/home/arby/Media/Music.RE-tagged exists

[quote=paultaylor]So you have General:Save:Move Folder set to



[quote=paultaylor]Yet the folder dialog always opens to



both verified

[quote=paultaylor]and the folder
/home/arby/Media/Music.RE-tagged exists

it does. right next to “Music”

ls -al /home/arby/Media/Music*
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 arby users 40 Feb 11 18:34 /home/arby/Media/Music -> /mnt/NFS4/MEDIA_SVR/Music/
  lrwxrwxrwx 1 arby users 40 Feb 15 08:43 /home/arby/Media/Music.RE-tagged -> /mnt/NFS4/MEDIA_SVR/Music.RE-tagged/

ls -ald /mnt/NFS4/SYN_HOME_SHARE/Music*
  drwxr-xr-x 103 arby users  20K Feb 20 14:10 /mnt/NFS4/MEDIA_SVR/Music/
  drwxr-xr-x   2 arby users 4.0K Feb 15 16:59 /mnt/NFS4/MEDIA_SVR/Music.RE-tagged/

Does it work if instead of using the symbolic link you use the real path.

Unfortunately, no.

Using the link-path or the real-path, the result’s the same – the file dialog opens @ /home/arby

For what it’s worth, I’m on OSX, and “Save and Move” works as it should on my machine. The last three steps of my workflow are:

  1. Correct Subfolders from Metadata
  2. Correct Filenames from Metadata
  3. Save and Move

Save and Move properly opens the folder dialog to the folder that I set in General:Save:Move Folder. All I have to do is press return and the folder is automatically moved.

Paul, would you be able to add a keyboard shortcut for the “Save and Move” function? More specifically, would it be possible to provide an option to skip the folder dialog and instead move the files to the Move folder using a keyboard shortcut?