SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz making iTunes files

I’m still getting used to Jaikoz so I don’t know if I missed the section on this but does Jaikoz have to make a list in iTunes every time I autocorrect files? I’ve got all my music on an external drive and don’t really use iTunes. I noticed my hard drive space was filling up and it wasn’t until I went into iTunes I realized jaikoz had created playlists with all the tracks I have analyzed. I think it has also imported them into iTunes thus creating a copy, taking up hard drive space. Could someone clarify if this is what is happening, if there is a way to stop this, and how I can delete the files from iTunes on my computer.


Hi, yes that is the default on OSX installations because so many Mac use iTunes and find this a useful feature.

But you can disable this easily using Preferences:Save:iTunes

(BTW the reason its filling up your disk space is that by default iTunes makes a copy of every file added to it, if you ever want to use iTunes without filling up disk space you can by disabling Preferences:Advanced:Copy Files to iTunes Media library see )

Hi Paul,

I appreciate you getting back to me. I turned off Automatically update iTunes library. Should I turn off save genre’s in iTunes friendly format as well?

Not necessarily, that option ensure all id3 genres are stored as text rather as numbers if the genres are from the extended list, and there are a number of other applications other than iTunes that don’t understand extended genres.