SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz Issue - Running Out Of Memory!? (And Other Bugs)

Ok I have been using Jaikoz roughly for a week now and purchased it as well. I have the latest build and installed it with default settings on Leopard 10.5.1.

The problem I am having is that when processing my music library and retrieving information (remote correct) from MusicBrainz (10,000) songs. Jaikoz will quit saying that there is not enough memory available. I’ve tested several scenarios.

One leaving Jaikoz on its default settings, running nothing else but Jaikoz. I have the latest updates for everything. I have also tried processing a smaller amount of files (only 500) It works with 500 files about 50% of the time. I’m not sure how Jaikoz can use all of my 4GB of Ram and also say its using 100% of my Quad-Core cpu. Another further insight into this would be appreciated as I did pay $30 CAD for this program and so far it hasn’t been able to handle what I have thrown at it.

UPDATE: All the files I am processing are encoded the same and use |.mp3| as well I have determined that it has no problem if I get tag automatically from MusicBrainz for less than 300 files but anymore than that and it claims to run out of memory about 50% of the time when doing so. I have also tried different versions of Jaikoz and the latest version as well and made sure that the Java I have is sufficient (which it is). I have no problem only tagging 300 files at a time but it makes my goal take about 10x longer than it should. :wink:

Also if the “Cross-Platform Interface” is in use in Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.1 and you double-click the title bar or just minimize it an error message pops up saying “Unexpected Problem with Jaikoz”, although the program does not crash when doing this all I had to do was click “OK” on the error box and everything was fine.

Hi, is most of your library Mp3s or Mp4s (or something else) because another customer reported yesterday a memory problem that only occurred when loading mp4s which I am investigating.

I updated my first post in the topic which some more information.

Nobody else is having problems with mp3 files so I wonder if it is one rogue file causing al the problems, can you send me your log giles please (jaikozuser0-0.log and jaikozdebug0-0.log)

Ive added the Leopard issue to the buglist.

Jaikoz doesnt isnt actually using 4gb of memory when it declares it has run out of memory, because with java you have to specify the maximum heap memory that can be used. I set this to 256mb. I cant set it higher by default because
it would fail with computers that had 512mb of memory because Jaikoz also uses another 100mb to non -heap memory and the operating system and other programs have a minimum amount of memory they require as well. But you can modify
this setting , instructions in this link Jaikoz should not be failing at 500 files but please try this and see what effect it has.

I have also a memory problem! I am running MS Vista on a Dell Inspiron 9300 with 2GB RAM. I have changed the value to 768 in the bat. I can only load 6800 files then it ran out of memory!
At this time Jaikoz is using only 368 MB RAM. How can i load all files (~20.000) at once?

If you edit the Jaikoz.bat, you have to run the Jaikoz.bat. If you edit Jaikoz.exe properties you must run Jaikoz.exe. Have you got the right combination because it does work, other customers are loading 20,000 files without any problems after changing memory settings.

OK, maybe i should read the docs a litte bit more carefully :wink:
Beside of that, i think Jaikoz needs really too much memory. I have to set 1 GB RAM for loading 16000 files!

That is wierd because I can load 20,000 files with ram set to 300 mb

Strange, i have tried it with 512MB and even that didn�t work. Any possible explanation of this behaviour?

What is the composition of your audio library, mp3 - mp4 ecetera.

MP3 only.

I dont know, but please snd your latest log files so I can take a look

Another major problem is the CPU usage of javaw.exe. Sometimes it’s nearly 100% and let the PC freezing for a long time.

Maybe your just expecting too much from your computer. As you load more and more files into Jaikoz (You had nearly 15,000 in the log file you sent) it has more processing to do , this will increases the load on the cpu. Even if you are only working on a few files items like the TagBrowser have to manage all the files you have loaded.

It wasn’t originally expected that users would load their complete library into Jaikoz in one go, I envisaged correcting the metadata in batches of a few thousand and once those files had been corrected there would’nt be much need to load them into Jaikoz again because Jaikoz is not a Media Player. However Im working hard to improve the memory footprint to allow you to do this if you wish.

OK, that�s true, but please think about the update function for MB data. It is not really comfortable to load only 10 or 20% into Jaikoz try to update them and so on.
I also don�t like to see Jaikoz as a Mediaplayer, but for the update process it’s necessary to have the right performance.

Also it takes some weeks or month to have all files really good tagged, because of missing metadata in MB right now.


I have been reading over numerous post regarding the running out of memory error. This is one that I have been struggling with for a year. I think if there was a basic “strategy” on how to tackle a HUGE number of files it might help users out.

For instance, my scenario:

Mac 10.5.5 running Jai 2.7.0

1.) I have consolidated three HDD to one 1TB external drive.
2.) 50,000 songs
3.) mostly MP3
4.) Numerous songs duplicated 2-3-4 times

If I do batches of say 1000 on the new drive and DONOT change the base folder nor “fix” the subfolder it works okay.

But if I start to mess with the file name and folder, then if this exists already on the HDD but not loaded then Jai will give you the cannot over write file error.

So i guess if you could come up with a basic “strategy” on how to tackle something like my scenario it would probably help. Just my thoughts. keep up the work, this is the best product I have used for music and continue to be a disciple.


Great tip. Been having huge performance issues with my mac while Jaikoz has been running with both the program running out of memory and the whole computer becoming unusable.

I have been trying to load and tag about 20000 songs. I increased the allocated RAM to 4Gb. The program and whole computer are running miles better. It seems the app is only using 1.89Gb, and the rest of the computer is smooth as ever. It also seems to be using less processing power to do the same job faster. It would be awesome if this was a configuration option in the prefs pane so that more users would know about it.