SongKong Jaikoz

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Jaikoz hangs at startup on centos 5 / 64-bit

I’ve been trying to get Jaikoz to run on my home desktop. I can go through the installer just fine, but when I attempt to run it afterward, I just get a blank window. I’ve turned up debugging, and have attached the debug log. I’ve left it running for an hour, and don’t see anything else logged after the initial batch. java version:
$ java -version
java version “1.6.0_04”
Java™ SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_04-b12)
Java HotSpot™ Client VM (build 10.0-b19, mixed mode, sharing)

I’ve also tried running w/the 64-bit jvm, to no avail. Also tried installing as root, and as a normal user - no difference. Any ideas on how I could debug this further? I’m able to run Jajuk (another swing app) with no problems.

Hi, Centos5 is a version of Linux is it - i cant say Ive ever come across it. Do you have a jaikoz-user0-0.log file as well. On first thoughts all I could say is get Java 1.6.0_03 in case there is a problem with 1.6.0_04 coz 04 has not been officially released yet (and I havent tested Jaikoz against it yet) and try that. If it still fails it points to a problem with Centos itself.

Just tried the -03 release, no love. the user log only has this in it:
Feb 18, 2008 4:39:12 PM: INFO: Jaikoz v2.2.2 using Java 1.6.0_03 on Linux initia
lized successfully

Thanks for trying to help.

Well , its seem to get stuck when it comes to actually displaying the window onscreen. But Ive searched Suns forum and bug archive and cant find any problems like this specific to Centos. Perhaps you could try a couple of opther Java apps and see if these work ok.

centos 5.1 should be functionally equivalent to RHEL 5 U1. I’ve successfully run Jajuk which is a massive java swing app, along with Azureus (bit-torrent client). Fwiw, it works on my windows machine just fine - but I’d really like to figure out why it won’t run in linux.

Any way to get more debugging information out of Jaikoz? Would a thread dump help?

Its worth a try, please send to

thread dump sent to support - thanks.