SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz Freezes during correction and hits 100% CPU and slows right down


I have been using Jaikoz for a while… recently I lost my whole iTunes library due to a permissions problem and iTunes not playing nice… 300GB down the pooper…

anyhow I managed to find a backup of 250GB on an old hard drive I had but it wasn’t tagged properly and hadn’t ran them through Jaikoz… so I thought I would do it all in one big lump… I have changed this:

-Xms150m -Xmx1500m -XX:MaxPermSize=200m as I get a low memory warning otherwise

and tried various -Xmx numbers up to 4gb and this always happens at the same point

it always happens when it gets to correcting metadata from musicBrainz… it corrects about 19000 songs then the CPU usage jumps to 100% and it slows down to a crawl! (5 songs a second ish to 5 songs every 5 mins or so…)

The UI also freezes up… and I get it distorted (grey blocks over things like the tableview like it can’t load that part of the UI)

This happens with every version I have tried including the new 4.0NGS beta…

I have my autocorrector tasks set up like this…

Local correct everything
Get AmplifindIDs
Correct using MusicBrainz
Correct using Discogs
Correct File name
correct folder name
save and move

i have had it running for 3 days but it is still only on correct from musicbrainz and my laptop is getting very hot!

I am guessing this has something to do with Jaikoz not being able to handle the number of songs in my library which is about 30000

any ideas?

I can’t get the Support files as it is still running…

How much physical memory has your computer actually got, I guess you are setting memory to a level that means your computer has to start swapping memory.

The solution is to just work on half of your collection, the close the files and work on the other half.

I have 8gb of physical memory in my machine…

how does that work with regards deleting duplicates?

is it worth me correcting half my library then the other half then loading everything in and checking for dupes?

Yes I would give that a go, but please send the support files.

turning off everything in the view… all that was left was the tableview with the artist and track names and the status column enabled only

it seems there is possibly a memory leak (or it is loading all the tableview into memory without freeing it up when it doesn’t need it (i.e the cells aren’t being shown as they aren’t on the screen) ?

it fixed things well enough to be able to run through my whole library without it struggling (I didn’t even have to split it up) with an XMX setting of 4000

the memory hovered at around 1gb once it had loaded my tracks but then ballooned to 3.96 gb (using system monitor and top from the CLI) during the musicbrainz matching (but it didn’t slow down seems it managed to keep the memory management under control)…

I think what was happening before was that it was trying to clear memory or something when I had all the tableView cells in place but it was reloading them as quickly as it was freeing them (just a guess)

I ended up force killing jaikoz will generating the support files still generate useful information?

Yes tag data is stored in memory, so uses memory whether currently displayed or not, this is a long term issue that has been discussed a number of times.

I ended up force killing jaikoz will generating the support files still generate useful information?[/quote]
Yes, should do.