SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz Filters Menu


Highlight Fields

Menu items within this menu highlight fields in particular columns based on some predefined conditions

Duplicate MusicBrainz Recording Id

When enabled MB Recording Id fields that are the same as at least one other songs are highlighted in orange

Duplicate Acoustid

When enabled Acoustid Id fields that contain an Acoustic Id that is the same as in at least one other record are highlighted in orange

Non-standard Genres

When enabled Genre fields that contain a non-standard genre are highlighted in orange

Non-iTunes Genres

When enabled Genre fields that contain a non-intuitive genre are highlighted in orange. Itunes only recognizes the basic set of Genres, rather the extended set.

Filter Non Standard Genres

Menu items within this menu filter songs to only show those that meet predefined conditions

No Genres Enabled

Cancels any genres filters

Non Standard Genres

When enabled only shows songs with non-standard genres, none standard genres are any of the genres not in the list defined in the ID3 specification.

Non-iTunes Genres

When enabled only shows songs with iTunes genres

Filter MusicBrainz Recording Ids

Menu items within this menu filter songs to only show those that meet predefined conditions

No MusicBrainz Unique Id Filters Enabled

Cancels any MusicBrainz filters

Duplicate MusicBrainz Recording Ids

When enabled only songs containing a MB Recording Id field that is the same as at least one other song are displayed. This function is very useful for finding and possibly deleting duplicate versions of the same song. This id now only identifies a unique recording, the same exact recording can be found on multiple different albums, each song would have the same MB Recording Id but a different MB Release Id. In fact to accurately identify a particular track on a particular release, the Recording Id, Release Id, Disc no and track no are required.

MusicBrainz Recording Id Exists

When enabled only songs that do not contain a MB Recording Id field are shown. This function is useful for finding tracks that have not been matched to MusicBrainz, that may need matching manually

MusicBrainz Recording Id does not Exist

When enabled only songs that do not contain a MB Recording Id field are shown. This function is useful for finding tracks that have not been matched to MusicBrainz, that may need matching manually.

Filter Acoustids

No Acoustids Filters Enabled

Cancels any Acoustid Id filters

Duplicate Acoustid

When enabled only songs containing an Acoustid that is the same as at least one other song are displayed, filter status is also shown in the status bar. This filter is very useful for finding and possibly deleting duplicate versions of the same song.

Acoustid Exists

When enabled only songs containing an Acoustid are shown. This filter is useful for listing tracks that have been matched to Acoustid.

Acoustid does not Exist

When enabled only songs that do not contain an Acoustid . This filter is useful for finding tracks that have not been matched to Acoustid

Duplicate MB Recording Id and Acoustid

When enabled only songs containing a MB Recording Id and Acoustid combination that is the same as at least one other songs are displayed, filter status is also shown in the status bar. This filter is very
useful for finding and possibly deleting duplicate versions of the same song.
