SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz doesn't save YEAR

I collected the YEAR column and saved the files. After opening these files again, the years were not saved !!
I tried this again and saved with “Force Save”, but the same result.
The columne YEAR shows after importing the files only the year, no month, no day !!

I’ve seen this behavior too and attributed it to iTunes.

update a file and save a date of the form yyyy-mm-dd, and the cell is blank when you reopen it in Jaikoz

update a file and save a date of the form yyyy, and everything saves normally

iTunes seems to display the date though…

let me just clarify the above though, with files not in iTunes, the disappearing year phenomenon still happens, so it can’t be iTunes.

Dont know, can someone raise an issue so this is not forgotten please.


when do you think to repair this issue?

Ive just released a new version of SongKong, I will now be working on a new version of Jaikoz and this will include investigatng this issue, so expect within the month.