SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz Deleted My Music

I’ve been using Jaikoz for just over a week and until today I’ve been very happy with it. I had fixed a couple of thousand files successfully (updating tags and artwork, renaming files, etc).

Today I got brave. I wanted to fix my entire ‘Now’ collection and did 10 albums (using autocorrect and then fixing a few artwork issues manually) as a test and all went well. So I did the rest, thousands of files, all in one batch using the same method.

Jaikoz duly worked its magic and reported all was well. As I did with all my other batches, I checked a few files to confirm all was well… only it wasn’t. Every single file had been deleted. The folder structure remained, but every file was gone.

Fortunately my music is stored on a NAS and I had enabled recovery. On looking at the recycle bin on the NAS I found all the files had been deleted at the time they were supposed to have been fixed.

I have no idea why this happened and I don’t know how I can trust the app with the rest of my library.


Such an issue had never been reported I think there must be some misunderstanding your part but I realize Jaikoz can be quite complex, please just email your support files (Help:Create Support Files) and then Im sure I can work out what actually happened.