SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz changing bit rate?

I have approx. 8,000 songs that were all encoded at 256 (VBR) bitrate. After processing them all through Jaikoz v5.2.0, they are now showing up in iTunes as just 256 kbs. I’m assuming that there was no re-coding of the bitrate through Jaikoz, so why is Jaikoz changing the metadata? If I process files that are encoded at 128, 256, or 196 kbs (no VBR), then the metadata is not changed by Jaikoz and the bit rate is showed correctly in iTunes.

Anyone have any idea on a Windows script that I can run that will change the metadata back for me?

Also, anyone have any idea on why Jaikoz is changing the bitrate identifier? How can I prevent this?


Hi, mp3s contain an ID3 header containing the metadata, and the audio data itself which can contain their own metadata in XIng or VBRI headers. Jaikoz reads both types of headers but all the changes its makes are only to the ID3 header so should have no effect on the audio information.

However sometimes audio files can contain an ID3 header with incorrect information about its length that could possibly confuse Jaikoz into writing a new ID3 header that could affect the XIng header.

But its very difficult to say without an example could you possibly email me an example of a file before it has been changed by Jaikoz, what did you use to originally encode the 256 (VBR) files ?