SongKong Jaikoz

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Jaikoz cannot update iTunes on Windows if using Java 64bit

Afternoon All,
I know under MOSX it’s easy to change which JRE version is running, and can select a 32bit one instead of a 64bit one.

But having just installed the default Sun JRE “jre-6u24-windows-i586-s.exe” from the sun website, I cannot easily locate a switch, or alternate download package which will lock my JRE to 32bit to maintain iTunes database with information Jaikoz gets.

This being the main purpose I have for using Jaikoz, I’m going to look around to locate the problem myself, and list the answer unless Paul or others have the answer for me quicker :smiley:


Edit: 5 minutes later…
“Java (32-bit)” is a control panel. Doesn’t seem to mention anything about a 64bit version, in any of the about boxes, and the only “Java Runtime Environment Settings” list Runtime versions… and it only lists “javaw.exe” from the “Program Files (x86)” folder… assumely a 32bit runtime being under '(x86). There is no ‘Java’ folder in “c:\Program Files” only in “c:\Program Files (x86)”.

Somethign else that doesn’t work:

Of course until now I had done everything in Firefox.
Loaded Internet Explorer (32-bt), ran the auto-downlaod which said it was getting a 32-bit version of the JRE, I’m thinking “beauty, this is going to work.”
Finishes, I load up Jaikoz, load some tracks, head into preferences and check to ‘on’ the iTunes Update box… save changes… fail. same notice that Jaikoz cannot update iTunes with Java 64bit.


Hi, did you actually install the 32-bit Java ?

Even if you did maybe the 64-bit version has precedence, try opening a Command WIndow and typing Java -version to see wht you get, this is probably the Java version that Jaikoz will use.

If its the wrong one the easiest solution might be to remove Java-64 bit if you dont need it, alternatively edit Jaikoz.bat putting the whiole path in for Java and then run Jaikoz.bat (rather than the default Jaikoz.exe)

I now have the replacement library working that allows iTunes updates from 64bit, this will be released next week and should resolve this issue.

That’s great news… because I cannot for the life of me work out what the 32bit installer is, and why where all the java control panels and folders seem to be x86 binaries, that Jaikoz can find a x64

And .bat script programming, while I could google it to work out what I’m doing wrong, the ’ ’ {space} characters are getting the best of me, and I cant’ seem to ge the right quotation marks to path the lot together.

You just need to put the whole path in double quotes in the bat file. however new release probably tomorrow.

Now fixed in Jaikoz 3.11