SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz app freeze on "Add to your MusicBrainz Collection"


I’ve corrected a bunch of info locally using JaikozPro for a Multi-disc collection.

I’d like to now add the correct(ed) collection data to my registered-user’s Musicbrainz Collection feature to upload a list of your Music Collection.

To do that I select:

Action -> Remote Correct -> Add to your MusicBrainz Collection

@ exec of that select, Jaikoz freezes completely. To exit/recover, I have to kill -9 the Jaikoz proc.

On freeze, the logs contain:

==> jaikozuser0-0.log <==
Feb 16, 2013 10:00:07 AM: INFO: Started to save changes to all modified songs
Feb 16, 2013 10:00:07 AM: INFO: Did not save 29 files because they were not modified or marked for deletion
Feb 16, 2013 10:00:07 AM: INFO: Completed saving of 0 songs
Feb 16, 2013 10:00:07 AM: INFO: Completed deletion of 0 songs

==> jaikozdebug0-0.log <==
16/02/2013 10.00.07:com.jthink.jaikoz.indexed.DataIndexer:reindex:SEVERE: Reindex start:Sat Feb 16 10:00:07 PST 2013
16/02/2013 10.00.08:com.jthink.jaikoz.indexed.DataIndexer:reindex:SEVERE: Reindex end:Sat Feb 16 10:00:08 PST 2013

Known issue, or any hints?


Not a known issue no.


is this “Issues” forum where you’d like to see “bug reports”, or do you have a bugtracker somewhere?

any specific further info you need for this issue? happy to provide as needed/requested.



I found the JIRA issue tracker. Unfortunately, when I try to register an account there (@!default.jspa), I get the following error message:

[quote][color=red]“Sign up
You cannot sign up at this time, as the user limit for JIRA has been exceeded. For further assistance, please contact your JIRA administrators.”[/color][/quote]

Hi yes I only have a limited number of user accounts, you just need to use the generic account




When you select Add to Collection does a dialog appear whereby you select the collection you want to add your songs to or not.
Have you retried this, does it always happen even with different songs
Please retry and it it fails email your complete support files (Advanced/Create Support Files)

No dialog. Just a small, empty, grey rectangle

See the attached snapshot: “Jaikoz_AddToMBColl_Fail.png”

Yes. It’s fully reproducible – happens with any/every song.

Will do …

So its failing on displaying the dialog that lets you choose the collection to add it to, that narrows its down a bit. I assume you do have at least one Musicbrainz collection ?

If by “Musicbrainz Collection” you mean, e.g., albums “in Jaikoz” that have been populated from Musicbrainz, then yes – many.

Trying to add-collection TO musicbrainz is what’s failing/crashing.

No, I mean have you created a collection within Musicbrainz.

i.e login to Musicbrainz website
Go to My Data/My Collections
Click on Create New Collection
Enter name then create Collection.

[quote=paultaylor]No, I mean have you created a collection within Musicbrainz.

i.e login to Musicbrainz website
Go to My Data/My Collections
Click on Create New Collection
Enter name then create Collection.[/quote]

No, I did not. I assumed, apparently incorrectly, that Jaikoz would create the Collection.

@ MB, I created, now, a “test” collection.

@ Jaikoz, “Add to MB collection” now DOES pop up the dialog, list “test”.

Adding music from Jaikoz TO that selected collection now works as expected.

So it appears that:

(1) documentation for dummies that states “Create a/the collection first @ MB”
(2) Error handling to avoid app freeze in the case/instance that no collection @ MB exists

are called for.

1> Agree I’ll update the documentation, although when I added this function it was very much a niche function for MusicBrainz users rather than a core function of the Jaikoz tagger - I haven’t devoted much time to this. There isn’t currently a facility in webservice to allow an external application to create a collection you have to do it via the MusicBrainz website.

2> I just tried deleting any collections I had and rerun Add Collections and for me it displays an empty list, so of course it shouldn’t just freeze, but you are the only one to ever have reported this.

[quote=paultaylor]1> Agree I’ll update the documentation, although when I added this function it was very much a niche function for MusicBrainz users rather than a core function of the Jaikoz tagger - I haven’t devoted much time to this. There isn’t currently a facility in webservice to allow an external application to create a collection you have to do it via the MusicBrainz website.

2> I just tried deleting any collections I had and rerun Add Collections and for me it displays an empty list, so of course it shouldn’t just freeze, but you are the only one to ever have reported this.[/quote]


Iiuc, adding my Jaikoz-corrected collections TO MB can (does?) expose/share that data to MB for others to use.

I assume that, at least, my MB data is available to ME, using Jaikoz, to update my local data from.

Imo, that’s hugely valuable – even if only for my private collection – to store/recover “known good” data. To noones surprise, lots of MB, and others’, data is … less than robust.

Again, this ‘freeze’ if no MB collection is 100% reproducible. Here. If there’s any further data/diagnostic that’d be helpful, please let me know.

Collections, essentially allow you to say I have these releases, and share that information with others or not. Only the MusicBrainz release ids are stored, nothing else so Im not sure if this is what you mean by ‘known good’ data.

Hm. Thanks for the clarification.

No, I meant – and hoped for – more that just the releaseIDs.

For many of my Albums, whether matched by AcoustID, MB data (bar code, best match, etc), DiscOgs, etc, the Album data, and sometime some-not-all song data, is flat out wrong.

I was hoping there’s a way to upload/update that data “somewhere” (thinking MB was ‘the place’) so that “my” Jaikoz can pull/update preferentially from “my” data.

Iiuc, the best source of that “known good” data is, simply, my local Jaikoz data.

If you want to preserve local data simply use Advanced/Export to export all data (except artwork at the moment) to a spreadsheet or comma separated file. You can even edit this data and then re-import into the files currently loaded into Jaikoz.