SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz and SongKong, different version tagging

I’ve read the “differences” article a half dozen times over the last few months carefully trying to decide which program would be best for me.

I have one question that wasn’t covered, in regards to duplicates and tagging. I have lots of different versions of songs. Live versions, versions from different albums, b sides, etc. How does Jaikoz and SongKong handle this? Are different versions tagged accurately?

Would appreciate any clarification on this.

To avoid clutter, I’ve only posted this on the Jaikoz board. If someone thinks I should re post on the SongKong board as well, please let me know.

Both SongKong and Jaikoz use a similar algorithm, although the SongKong one is currently slightly better, so if you mainly looking for automated tagging I would recommend SongKong.

Both use existing metadata, Acoustids and other music files in the same folder/grouping to find the best match. If the song is a different version it will have a different Acoustid, if the exact same song is on different releases then the other songs in the same grouping help identify the best release. Both are designed to handle your use cases.

I would recommend just running the SongKong trial on your library and checking the results in the preview report.

the trial! i forgot about the trial. thank you.