SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz and Dropbox?

Any chance the first page of Preferences, the General tab, could be moved to its own seperate .jai file? I would like to sync the settings between my PC and Mac installations of Jaikoz. I went through the process creating symlinks to a shared folder on Dropbox before I realized that the General tab is primarily Browser Path’s that are not consistent across installations.

Or maybe there’s a better way to do this that I’m not thinking of…

Hi no Im afraid this isn’t possible.

I think your best best is just to copy the file and make the necessary adjustments.

I do that currently and it works for 90% of the settings, but combing through my music I’m constantly coming across new foreign characters (oh you crazy Scandinavians :)) that I need to replace for file/folder renaming purposes. Its kind of a hassle to constantly have to sync them up. Anything else that could be done? Could JUST the File and Folder Correct -> File and Folder Naming sub tab be read from a separate text/jai file? Or should I just suck it up?

Either way, thanks again for getting back to me, the support you provide for this product is amazing.

I cant make a special case just for this.

Of course not. I’m really sorry, that was not what I was suggesting. I just assumed this was something many people would want and was making a suggestion or hoping someone like yourself knew a workaround. I really didn’t mean to sound impudent or selfish. I really appreciate all the work you do on the program and helping noobs like me. I was just hoping to document my desire for a sync-able settings file since I make changes to mine constantly, and use Jaikoz on both mac and pc. And further hoped that my post would garner some agreement from “the community” (or a better solution) but perhaps my situation is much more unique than I thought.

Anyhow, still love the program so thanks again!

Hi, no need to apologize :slight_smile: