SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz 8.0.2 missing: Advanced Track Search

1.8. Manual Correct Metadata from MusicBrainz
The online help says:
If you select the pop-up menu for a song you have some further options:
1.8.1. Advanced Track Search

[color=blue]But there is no pop-up menu for “Advanced Track Search” anymore. At least I can’t find it.[/color]

And there seems to me another bug in Manual Correct.
I have a song “Jerry Lee Lewis - It Won’t Happen To Me” (track lenght 3:05) and I try to manual correct it, it will not show any songs from Jerry Lee Lewis with the title “It won’t Happen To Me”. But I can see in Music Brainz that there exists 12 songs with this title - one song with a track lenght of 3:06.

[quote=Alfg]But there is no pop-up menu for “Advanced Track Search” anymore. At least I can’t find it.
No it was removed because originally Manual Correct Tracks was going to be more release centric, and because we use our own server the syntax would be different to previously. I didn’t really think anyone used this to be honest but I’ve opened to consider it further.

And there seems to me another bug in Manual Correct.
I have a song “Jerry Lee Lewis - It Won’t Happen To Me” (track lenght 3:05) and I try to manual correct it, it will not show any songs from Jerry Lee Lewis with the title “It won’t Happen To Me”. But I can see in Music Brainz that there exists 12 songs with this title - one song with a track lenght of 3:06.[/quote]
There is a bug is only considering acoustids not metadata when finding tracks. I guess this is your problem, could you double check by using the View Online:View this Song at Acoustid to see if has an AcoustId and whether it links to any MusicBrainz recordings.

If I use View Online:View this Song at Acoustid I get a match with a recording (but in this case, the acoustid for this recording -Goodnight Irene (take 4)- in MB is assigned wrong). Now the acoustid is unlinked to the recording, but it wasn’t before.
So either way, with or without an acoustid I get no match with the command Manual Correct Metadata from MusicBrainz

And the Online Help says:
1.8. Manual Correct Metadata from MusicBrainz

… Matches by Acoustic Id are shown first, then matches by meta data - sorted by their rating…

Can you give me the acoustid in question, it is unlinked because you unlinked it, did the length of the recording it was linked to match the length of your song ?

the acoustid is: f3f5f2c2-2a83-4edc-a467-e3d274f6d049
I send you the song.

To match the song to MB, I used the MB RecordingID and the MBreleaseId and copied them manually in the fields and then using “Update Metadata from existing MusicBrainz Id or Release ID”

Raised as issue

Manual Correct now returns metadata matches as well in Jaikoz 8.1