SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz 3.5.0 Beta 2 released on March 10th 2010

There is an updated Beta available

New from Beta 1 are a number of bug fixes and enhancements to make life easier such as improvements to the Edit commands and the new Empty Column action.

There are also translations for French, Danish, Swedish, Russian and Norweigen. These translations are semi-automatic so if you are fluent in any of these please help out where I have got it utterly wrong by following the instructions at

Cool I will give it a try tonight.

I am excited about :



Nice update my only problem was I had to start all over with my settings.

Because you had Beta 1 installed, yes I know let me explain.

Whenever I add new preferences the format of the settings.jai file is changed and preferences from an earlier version of Jaikoz have to be converted. This is okay but works on the build version i.e Jaikoz 3.4.4 is 1077 and Jaikoz 3.5.0 is 1078. So in the beta 1 the settings file changed, but if you had 3.4.4 installed previously it was correctly convert for the beta, but I have added additional preferences for beta 2 and I don’t have a mechanism in place for converting preferences within a release (350 beta1 -> 350 beta2) which is why you lose your settings.
So this is a pain but as a Beta user its an issue you could deal with AND I internally added more preferences into Beta 2 than I’m actually using yet to reduce the need for converting preferences in subsequent version of Jaikoz. This is good because there is the odd setting that does n’t convert properly when converting a settings.jai file.

No problem Paul I’m still such a newbie with this swiss army tool product you created. My main thing I lost was my manipulators but the file and folder correct were easy to reproduce. Thanks for being such an active developer and also forum contributor.

Yep it is awesome how much he is an active developer and forum contributor.

A helpful hint:

As he explained, in all the time I have used Jaikoz, I have only had to recreate my manipulators a couple of times and those times I believe were all my mistakes, but I went ahead and took screenshots of my auto-correct and my masks so if I needed to ever recreate, I wasn’t having to wrack my brain to do it.

(I’m kinda particular that way. Back when I used EAC and LAME to make mp3s, I made sure to save a screenshot of my command line switches for LAME.)

wynlyndd you are a genius that will be the tip of the day for me. Thanks I’m off to take a screenshot of those areas