SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Jaikoz 2.8.0 not working on Linux?

Just upgraded to 2.8.0 and now Jaikoz is not able to correct tags. Worked fine with the older version (2.7, maybe - not sure). I’m running it on an Ubuntu 8.04 desktop.

I noticed some errors in the debug log file (jaikozdebug0-0.log) regarding not finding even though synaptic shows that libstdc++6 is installed. Installed libstdc++5 anyway, but no change.

The user log file (jaikozuser0-0.log) is full of this type of stuff:

Dec 31, 2008 3:46:54 AM: INFO: 20 files are loaded
Dec 31, 2008 3:47:36 AM: INFO: Started Correct Tags from MusicBrainz on 20 files
Dec 31, 2008 3:47:56 AM: INFO: Unable to find a match for 20 tags
Dec 31, 2008 3:47:56 AM: INFO: Corrected 0 tags from MusicBrainz successfully
Dec 31, 2008 3:47:56 AM: INFO: Completed Correcting Tags from MusicBrainz on 20

The 20 songs I’m trying to tag include the album “Licensed to Ill” by the Beastie Boys, certainly not to everyone’s taste, but not so uncommon that they’re not in the database.

Looks like maybe just an interface change. I got it to work by telling Jaikoz to “Retrieve Acoustic Ids” before running “Auto Correct.”

Don’t remember having to do that on the previous version. C’est la vie.

[quote=jwbwater]Looks like maybe just an interface change. I got it to work by telling Jaikoz to “Retrieve Acoustic Ids” before running “Auto Correct.”

Don’t remember having to do that on the previous version. C’est la vie.[/quote]
Not sure if you mean ‘Autocorrect’ or ‘Autocorrect tags from Musicbrainz’ but this hasn’t changed between versions, remember you can control what tasks the Autocorrecter does in Preferences/Manipulators/Autocorrecter , and all the tasks listed can be run automatically.