SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

iTunes update

Is anyone having duplicate entries being created in iTunes? When I make changes to songs in Jaikoz, new entries appear in iTunes, and the old entries are not necessarily deleted. Both the old & the new entries refer to the same file, so it’s mostly been a matter of deleting the old entry.

Also, this isn’t an issue per se, but “compilation” in iTunes means a various artist release, while MusicBrainz uses it to refer to a greatest hits release. This can result in filers being moved around unexpectedly in iTunes.

[quote=mcammer]Is anyone having duplicate entries being created in iTunes? When I make changes to songs in Jaikoz, new entries appear in iTunes, and the old entries are not necessarily deleted. Both the old & the new entries refer to the same file, so it’s mostly been a matter of deleting the old entry.
Hi is this problem on Windows or OSX, they use different mechanisms to update iTunes ?
Are you sure the filename is the same, as far as I can see iTunes would only have two references to a song if one referred to where a song previously was. This can happen because it is not always possible to uniquely identify the old track because of a bug in iTunes.

Thanks for letting me know I didnt realise this, I could make an option in Preferences/Save/Itunes Comptatibility to only set Is Compilation from Musicbrainz when it appears to be a multiple artist release.

I am working on a Mac, 10.4.11. It doesn’t seem to be happening now, but it certainly did before (used get info in iTunes to check file reference).

Possibly this is related but I am also seeing that after using Jaikoz to fill in tags, then looking in iTunes, some files get a new creation date and some don’t. For those that get a new creation date, the old listing is still appearing with a ! denoting that the file cannot be found. Simple to delete those.

Your suggestion on compilations is fine, though I ignore the MB compilation designation.

So, it only happens with files that have moved location ?
Can you send me a screenshot of your iTunes Preferences screen ?

trying to reply, getting errors with attachments?

yup, attachments wouldn’t go through. sent files directly to

Hi, I think I know what is going wrong.

Your audio files are under the direct control of iTunes and you have set iTunes to ‘Keep iTunes Folder Organized’. You are then loading files from this location (La Cie Disk:Marchive) into Jaikoz and making changes.

If you make changes to the artist/album/title in Jaikoz it now updates Tunes, but iTunes renames the files or move the files based on the field changes. If you then try to edit the save the file again in Jaikoz it complains it cant find it because iTunes has moved it but hasnt informed anyone. Unfortunately it is not currently possible to disable the ‘Keep iTunes Folder Organized’ option temporariliy from within Jaikoz.

Please try unchecking the Keep iTunes Folder Organized’ and that should solve or certainly improve the sitation.

It is happening more or less the same, even with “keep organized” unchecked. Files sent to

Jaikoz saves all the files that you specify THEN in a seperate thread it creates the iTunes playlist with the modified songs, the songs wont be updated until jaikoz has finished creating the playlist - you can see what it is doing by switching to the console tab. It is done this way you to continue working in Jaikoz without waiting for iTunes. This is especially important if you are actively using iTunes in parallel with Jaikoz, for example if you start editing the info in a song in iTunes that will block Jaikoz from creating the playlist.

I have the same (duplicate entries in iTunes) problem. No matter what settings I use (keep iTunes folder organized or not), all edited MP3’s appear as duplicates. Without exception, as far as I can tell. However, rebuilding the iTunes library seems to fix this. It takes some time, but beats manually deleting the dupes (something that iTunes should be able to do automatically, but alas). So if anyone has this same problem, maybe this is a good workaround.

The original poster wasnt’t getting it all the time, are you using the latest version of iTunes. What about files where the metadata has changed but the filename/folder hasnt changed I dont see how that could be creating duplicate entries.

You could be right about the metadata changed but filename remains the same part. I’ll have to check. Still: rebuilding the library is a fairly simple workaround, so I basically just wanted to alert others to it. I’ll keep you updated. iTunes 7.6.1 (9) on OSX 10.5.2.

Nope. The behavior seems independent on whether or not the file / folder is actually moved / renamed. Not a biggie. I’ll just rebuild the library once I corrected all the tags. “Problem” solved. Latest iTunes (had just downloaded the recent update, but happened before as well) by the way. Like I said: no biggie.

Im glad its not a biggie for you, but it shouldnt happen and it doesnt happen for me so I will be thinking about a solution .