SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

iTunes Not Displaying Any Tags

Here’s the strange thing… I downloaded the trial to tag a few mp3s I will be releasing to see how well it works and I found some bugs

  • it would not reproduce the image file cover art correctly in iTunes… shows some weird digital distortion in the form of a small rectangle block at the bottom of all the cover art images within iTunes but appears fine in Jaikoz

  • and more importantly, I tagged a new album I just finished and when I wet to click on the mp3s and launch them in iTunes, it acted as if nothing was tagged ie showing no Artist, Encoded With, or Image BUT it is displaying Name (but it’s name of the file instead of title), Year, Track Number and Album…

I reopened in Jaikoz and Mp3tag on my PC and both taggers show that all data is tagged and obviously there…

Any ideas how I can resolve this?

I found out what the bug is, but I do not know why it is happening… it has something to do with adding an image? when i removed the images from the tag, all the mp3s imported with their correct tags into iTunes… but now, i need to try and get images into the tags again… it worked last night, not sure what’s happening…

Now, if I add the image to the art tag, iTunes displays a black image instead of “Drag Album Artwork Here”… so, obviously the tagger is doing something with the image but not handling it correctly?

If I add art from another album i tagged with Jaikoz, it works… it seems not to like this particular image file i created although they are both the same physical size yet the problem image is smaller in kb…

still troubleshooting…

ok… losing my mind a bit… it will accept all images i select EXCEPT this one image that i need… no reason why… its saved the same as the rest of the files… its a JPG… its 88kb… its RGB… what? any ideas? and is there any reason that it shows that weird error in the bottom right hand corner of the album art in iTunes? also, I did pay for the license :slight_smile:

and now it works fine? :roll:

except that weird thing happening to the image still…


Sometimes images sometimes contain a sequence of bytes that can be misintepreted as the start of the actual audio rather than part of the tag, but Jaikoz writes these images using unsychronization so this does not happen.

But I think there is a problem with how ITunes handles synchronization.
Could you tell me:
Your operating system
Version of Itunes
Version of the tag (v2.3/v2.4…) that file is saved as.
to confirm this

To really get to the bottom of this could you send me your problem mp3, your jaikoz-user0-0.log and your jaikoz-debug-0.0.log to

thanks Paul

I just emailed you what you requested. I don’t know where to find those logs you asked for though. Thanks for looking into this. I will be selling these MP3s off my site so I need everything to look right :slight_smile: Till then, I can’t launch my site.

Ok, it is a problem with using unsynchronization. Whilst the unsynchronization is done correctly there appear to be more applications that don’t support it than do support it, so for the next release of Jaikoz I am going to disable it by default but allow you to use it if you want. (Jaikoz will still read files already unsynced correctly)

This problem is most likely seen when adding images because images contain more data than textual data and then is much more chance of unsynchronization being required. Files that contain images that do not require unsynchronization display correctly, files saved in V22 or V24 format do not use unsynchronization so will also be displayed correctly.