SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

iTunes Match and Jaikoz match Issue

Hi all, I’m a recent adopter of Jaikoz and I can’t say enough how much I’m enjoying using it, it’s really whipping my library into shape!

I’ve seen some earlier discussions regarding iTunes Match and using Jaikoz to prep the tags before uploading to enhance match success, although I’m pretty sure I have not seen anyone post on the issue I’m experiencing yet. I’m experiencing VERY odd behavior and am hoping to gain some light on the situation.

I recently finished tagging a large database of mid to low-res mp3s using Jaikoz (~25,000) and successfully matched roughly half of them with Musicbrainz and Discogs. I created a fresh iTunes library and imported them with the match feature enabled. I was able to successfully get about 12,000 matches from the iTunes database. I then downloaded the higher-res versions and trashed the originals (actually archived them to a temp drive just in case).

When I bring these fresh 256kbs AACs back into Jaikoz for further organization and tagging things start to go haywire. My automatch prefs are set to retrieve acoustic IDs and match to MusicBrainz and Discogs. On first import, these fresh files are void of any of this data, understandably. When I run automatch however it’s only able to match roughly 100 songs, leaving the rest unmatched despite being matched before the conversion. And these 100 songs yield completely different and erroneous results, only about 10 are correctly matched, the rest match to different artists, songs and albums.

My prefs and song ID3s have not changed from the pre-iTunes Match run. The only change lies in the new folder structure for the AACs which I have configured based on genre as opposed to the earlier which housed the files in a general, large folder with subfolders based on when I bought the tracks. The new genre folder system generally keeps most artists and their albums together though so I’m thinking that that this shouldn’t be the culprit here.

Is there something that I’m not seeing? Perhaps the AcoustIDs for the old tracks are preventing an accurate result for the new ones? If the new files are the exact same versions as the old (albeit a higher bitrate) would this not lead to improved accuracy in matching to the database?

Any insight or suggestions greatly appreciated.


[quote]The only change lies in the new folder structure for the AACs which I have configured based on genre as opposed to the earlier which housed the files in a general, large folder with subfolders based on when I bought the tracks.

Hi, well thats a massive difference because by default Jaikoz assumes you have things orgainzed one folder per album as most do. But not to worry, if you are just interested in individual songs then you just need to disable Preferences:Remote Correct:Only allow match if all songs in grouping match to one album

Thanks for the replay, although this has been disabled for some time now as about half of my library is made up of singles and individual tracks.

Hmm, you had better send me your support files (Advanced:Create Support Files)

Thanks Paul, I’m on a remote machine at the moment so I’ll try and get that too you soon.

For future reference though, if the folder hierarchy reflects the more popular approach of:


does this theoretically increase MusicBrainz and Discog’s match success rate? Conceivably I could reorganize the entire library this way before attempting to match to the databases for the full albums in the collection and restructure after tagging completion.

Yes it does because then it can use the foldername as album name to help with searching even if all files have no metadata, and quicker to because maybe able to match all songs in folder with just one query.

FYI for all thinking about making the move to iTunes 12.2: