SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Issues with the temp files

First off I would like to say I like the program a lot but I am having an issue with it. I have a directory of around 1800 songs and when I ran the program to fix try and make things better it mad them worse as it was making the changes it created a bunch of temp files that didn’t go away when I was done… The originals that the temp files were for were only about 10-50kb and were there as well… this would not have been that big of a deal for me because I would have deleted the old files and renamed the new ones but about 50% of the temp files wont play and neither will the old files…

So issue is… program leaves a bunch of temp files that don’t go away and only about half work the old files that the temp files represent no longer work ether all my files are standard mp3 and I don’t have any programs running while I am trying to work on the mp3s other then the Zune program that is always running much like its ipod counterpart. And that program isnt even pointed at the same directory

Really quick i just wanted to add I am running windows XP sp3 and the onle other software i have running is avast antivirus and the microsoft active sync stuff but i dont even have anything connected to that when i am doing this

Umm, Ive only seen this once when somebody was using the files in Windows Media Player at the same time, ar eyou sure you are not using them in something else.

Are using the 2.5.0 beta, if so please use the Action/Create Support Files option to send me your support files. If you are using 2.4.1 instead you find all the files somewhere like C:\Documents And Settings\username\AppData\Jaikoz