SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Issue with new iTunes plus DRM Free files?

First of all: Let me say I really like this software. It’s easy to use, and very robust. Thank you for your attention to detail.

I’m having a couple of issues that I hope you can help with:

first: I recently upgraded a few of my itunes downloads to the new DRM free, higher bit rate iTunes Plus format. I haven’t completed tagging my entire library yet, but so far, all of my iTunes plus files fail to save after doing any form of updates which flags them as dirty (with a C in the Status column). When I hit save, I get a dialog stating …

There was a problem changing some files, these have been left with a status of changed
C:\Music\Artist Name\Song Name\filename.m4a:Unable to make changes to Mp4 file:null

I can send logs and a sample file if this is not already a known issue.

If I have several songs in an album or compilation album, after obtaining PUIDs, while doing the musicbrains update, many of the songs get retagged as belonging to another album (guessing this is due to the PUID previously looked up). Is there any way to get the musicbrainz update to favor the original album title so that it doesn’t assign the song to another album (but still update the album with the value from the server)? To correct this, I usually cut and paste the album from another row) A whole new column indicating the original album (before mb update) would help in this endeavor.

This problem prevents me from doing a mass update because I have to sit and watch to see if albums are being incorrectly updated and manually revert them to the correct value.

Thank you for your help, and keep up the great work

p.s. I’m using the latest version of the software with JRE 1_6_03 on Vista

[quote=cap21]I recently upgraded a few of my itunes downloads to the new DRM free, higher bit rate iTunes Plus format. I haven’t completed tagging my entire library yet, but so far, all of my iTunes plus files fail to save after doing any form of updates which flags them as dirty (with a C in the Status column).
This is not a known issue, if you could send sample and logs that would be a great help.

If a Puid match is found it takers precedence over meta matching because the existing metadata is often wrong but this does mean that if a particular track available on multiple albums but the Puid is only linked to one of these albums you may get the wrong album. You could enable ‘Preferences/MusicBrainz/Automatch/Acoustic Id must also have minimum rating’ and increase ‘Mininum rating required if have Acoustic id Match’ . This will ensure that if a match is made for the puid it will only be used if the metadata is similar enough to the existing file, and you could also increase the weighting of the Album in ‘Preferences/MusicBrainz/Match Score’

Ive tested against some ITunes Plus files myself, and have not yet encountered a problem. So if you are still having a problem I could do with you sending me the file so I can investigate further.