SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Issue with file renaming

I have an album: Mahler_ Symphony no. 9 and Ruckert-Lieder

the renaming mask is


  • ifnotempty(album,’/’)
  • ifnotempty(conductor,’’)
  • ifnotempty(’-’ + orchestra,’’)
  • ifnotempty(’-’ + originalyear,’’)
  • ‘/’
  • ifnotempty(pad(discno,2), ‘’)
  • ifnotempty(’-’ + pad(trackno,2),’ - ')
  • title

This has been working so far with little tweaks here and there. But when I run it on the above album, it does not renames or create the proper directory structure.

I am certain the meta information exists for this to work. See screen shots. I will upload support files in a moment.


Hi, so in report FixSongs205 it matched the album but you ran in Preview Only mode so nothing was actually modified

So when you ran Rename Files it didnt so anything because you have it (correctly) configured so that Rename Files based on metadata only rename the files if Yes, if matched to a release and they havent been matched to a release because you ran Fix Songs Preview Only.

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