First the obligatory praise for this wonderful program and Paul for being so attentive to the users’ issues. Thanks again for what feels like the millionth time. Now the issue:) :
I store all my music on a Synology NAS (built on Linux I believe). All of the music I had been editing for the last few weeks resided on a partition ON the NAS called “Temp”. I finished neatening up the files to my taste and moved the finished folder to the “Music” partition (on the same NAS). After the transfer (I was using Win7 to access the mapped drives, so it was really a Copy/Paste) i got 46 error’s about the file being too long for the destination. I thought this weird. The files, which are admittedly very long (DAMN YOU RUSH/DAVID BOWIE!), were all named and saved just fine when I finished with Jaikoz. And i can view them just fine in Explorer and the Synology web interface/mobile app. Also the destination they were edited IN is extremely nested (the files are roughly 4 levels from the “Temp” root) and being moved to a “Finished” folder of the “Music” partition’s root. Anyhoo, I just found this weird and thought maybe I was missing something elementary and maybe its a quick fix.
So anyways, the best way for me to deal with this given my current understanding of the problem is to add a .substring to the title and/or artist/albumartist being used in the “File Renaming Mask” and I suppose possibly the “Folder Renaming Mask”. My issues are that I really don’t understand what in this scenario is the limit of the file name (I don’t understand this wiki page I can only assume that the limits are inclusive of the folder structure, but don’t understand why it named fine originally but I just can’t move it between drives on my NAS. I guess what I’m asking (after babbling for an hour :oops:) is if there is something I can do with Javascript that I can conditionally limit the length of the destination file and what is that Limit?
edit: actually i just realized that perhaps it has something to do with the fact I was using Win7 to do the transfer, though even if this is the issue I’d probably still want to conditionally limit the length of the file name. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.