SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Issue Loading Jaikoz Software

I have been using Jaikoz Audio Tagger since purchasing it in October of 2011 with great success. The past three weeks I hadn’t had a chance, and upon attempting to use it yesterday noticed that the software would hang on start-up. The first attempt went for several hours before I closed it. I am using 64 bit Windows 7 Home Premium with SP1, and 32 bit Java 6 Standard. I don’t use a 64 bit browser, so I only have the 32 bit version installed at this time.

I thought perhaps an older version of the Jaikoz software with a newer version of Java could have been the issue (currently using build 30), and updated to the latest version, still with the same issue. I tried to delete the jaikoz.db directory to see if that was part of the problem. After encountering the same problem again, I noticed that it did re-created the directory. I typically use the jaikoz.exe, but was also unsuccessful with the jaikoz.bat.

When running the jaikoz.bat, a command prompt opens, executes, and nothing further is seen and no processes are started. when running the .exe file, after several minutes I will see the familiar icon on my taskbar as if the software was minimized, but cannot maximize, computer becomes very sluggish, and mousing over it on the taskbar only shows the java icon. Despite seeing it on the taskbar, it only displays under processes, and never under applications. The extreme sluggishness is resolved immediately upon terminating the process. During this time of the slugishness, CPU usage goes from around 15% to ~50%, with a few minor spikes into the 80% range. RAM experience a very slight increase, and thus from a resource perspective cannot understand the slugishness. It can take 15 seconds or more for a single letter typed to show display regardless of the application in use during this time.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance for any assistance that can be provided.

Are you using the latest version of jaikoz?

I also found on my win7 64bit system, that it was best for me to uninstall and delete all versions of java then go to the and download the latest java 6 versions of both the 32bit and 64bit installs and install them.

On my system, java 7 did not work with jaikoz, so I chose not to install it and only use java 6. I find the jaikoz executable uses the 32bit, where as my batch (jaikoz.bat) file that I increased the memory to 4gb will use the 64bit version. Both of them work well with just java 6.

Greengeek, thank you for your reply.

I was originally using an older version when I noticed the problem, likely one from November or December. I updated to the current version 4.5.5, and the problem persisted.

I took your suggestion and uninstalled all instances of Java. I reinstalled the 32bit, and installed the 64bit using the latest version of Java 6 for both (Build 30). The problem still persisted when running the .exe file.

The .bat file seems to use 64bit Java, so I was able to see on the cmd prompt what was happening now. It began to initialize the software and showed the splashscreen, then never successfully initialized once the splashscreen went away.

In checking the user log file, it states: “Jan 30, 2012 2:36:37 PM: WARNING: Jaikoz has encountered an unexpected problem please report error to Unable to initialize Windows FileChooser 2nd Attempt:Bug:6210674” each I attempt to start the software, regardless of whether the .exe or .bat is used. Had I seen this earlier, I would have probably followed those instructions and e-mailed rather than coming here first.

After removing the settings.jai file and having it be recreated, initialization using the .exe file resulted in a pink bordered box stating: “java.sql.SQLException: Connections could not be acquired from the underlying database!” This is a setp in the right direction, though it only happened once, and returned to the previous issue.

After removing the entire users/username/jaikoz directory, it returned to the pink message described in my previous paragraph after re-creating the directory.

Next I uninstalled jaikoz, removed the jthink directory in program files directory, and removed the users/username/jaikoz directory. I re-installed Jaikoz 4.5.5 fresh. Following the reinstallation, it once again went back to the pink error described two paragraphs ago, before even prompting for my license information.

Following this, I started jaikoz again using the .exe, and it ran, but remained minimized and was unable to interact with it at all, even using the “switch to” function from task manager. After a few hours, I terminated the process.

Finally, I ran it a third time after the reinstallation, this time using the .bat file. Again, it appeared to be running, but I couldn’t interact with it at all and eventually terminated it. Attached is the output from the cmd prompt during the attempt from the .bat file, as well as my debug log file following the reinstallation.

After all this, it seemed similar to the problem from At first, I didn’t recognize the similarity until reinstalled and resulting in that error message.

Any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks for any assistance that can be provided!

Is this still failing for you ?

Yes, even after complete reinstallation of Java and the Jaikoz software.

Hmm I don’t understand why you are getting this, and note Im not having any problems with Java 7 either.

All I can suggest is you:
Delete c:\Users\username\Jaikoz (not just the contents)
Restart Jaikoz

Ive changed something that may have been the cause of this problem, please try newly released Jaikoz 4.5.6

When I tried 4.5.6, it continually resulted in the “java.sql.SQLException: Connections could not be acquired from the underlying database!” message. This was different behavior than with 4.5.5, where it only had this message the first time and then would have a minimized and unresponsive java application for jaikoz.

With 4.5.7, it returned to the minimized and unresponsive application, though it not longer as the error message described above at all. I have attached my log files from two attempts to start the software, one using the .exe with a nonexistant users/username/jaikoz directory. I let it run all night, and nothing further happened until I terminated the process in the morning. I tried to run the .bat version once after it, with the same results.

Debug log file from these first two attempts to run 4.5.7 is attached. The significant issue seems to be:

[quote]04/02/2012 22.31.37:com.jthink.jaikoz.MainWindow:setupLAF:WARNING: Look and Feel from UserSettings Is:
04/02/2012 22.34.19:com.jthink.jaikoz.detail.Detail$ArtworkDetailPane:setupPanel:WARNING: Unable to initilize Windows FileChooser using defaultnull[/quote]

The user log file simply states:

[quote]Feb 4, 2012 10:34:19 PM: WARNING: Jaikoz has encountered an unexpected problem please report error to support@jthink.netUnable to initialize Windows FileChooser using default:Bug:6210674
Feb 4, 2012 10:34:19 PM: WARNING: Jaikoz has encountered an unexpected problem please report error to support@jthink.netUnable to initialize Windows FileChooser 2nd Attempt:Bug:6210674[/quote]

Do you have anything setup unusual in your Windows settings regarding the WIndows display or look you are using ?

Thanks again for all of your help, and for this great software.

I can’t think of any unusual settings other than numerous language packs and keyboards installed (Greek, Hebrew, Italian in addition to English-US).

I tried creating a new user profile, and encountered the same problem there. I tried using various types of compatibility mode, with the same problem. I booted into safe mode, exactly the same problem. I used selective start-up with nothing but the bare essentials, and the exact same problem with same log file output. I even ran a full system virus scan to ensure I wasn’t unknowingly infected with something that was interfering, and everything came up clean.

As an update, I found the installer for 4.5.1 still on my PC, the version of Jaikoz that I used originally with success for a while, and experienced the same issues.

Was there anything in particular with regards to “setup unusual in your Windows settings regarding the Windows display or look” that you can think of which would like to this problem with the java file chooser? I have tried checking just about everything I can think of.

Thank you for any assistance.

As there was a problem with creating a file dialog for Windows I thought you might be using another Windows look, or have some special Windows assistance options enabled.

Do you have another computer you can try Jaikoz on ?

I have a netbook that I use mainly for e-mail and internet access while travelling. I installed jaikoz as a test, and it worked with no problems. Seeing as my netbook doesn’t have my music database or anywhere near the processing capability and RAM, now I just need to figure out how to get it to work again on my better laptop.

I am having exactly the same issue.
Has anyone found a solution to this?

Can you state your exact problem please because Im not sure what yiu are referring to.

Hey, thanks for the help :slight_smile:

Whenever I try to open Jaikoz, it buffers, and shows the icon in the task bar after a few minutes of waiting, but never opens. The CPU usage goes up insanely high, and there is also an increase in memory activity… The computer becomes insanely slow, to the point at which I have to wait for a minute for the task manager to load so I can kill the process…
I have deleted all versions of Java installed on my computer, and reinstalled the latest version.
I am running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit


Okay, first step is to open a Command Window

cd Jaikoz Installation Folder

and post back the output, this should at least give us a clue.