SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Is my emailaddress marked as spam?


I have send 3 messages over the past weeks to,
but I don’t get any response.

And my last message was to inform you about my recent payment, could you please send me my registration file?

Thanks anyway.

Yours sincerely,

Ren� Vaessen.

Hi, sorry I think it must be because I havent received anything from you - Ive now sent you your license.

Thanks for your quick response.

You haven’t received anything, yes, I thought so.

That’s why I suggest you check with your provider that messages from GMail users are not blocked or marked as spam.

Because this is not the first time, as I have seen in recent forum posts.

Anyway, thanks and keep up the good work!