SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

iPhone refuses to save/read ID tags?

20-minute-rule way exceeded. Trying Jaikoz to fix up songs for iPhone music library. ID3 tags appear to be corrected and save, but iPhone 5 simply refuses to show Artist or Album information.

What on earth am I missing?? :x

You are sure you saved the changes in Jaikoz ?

Can the changes been seen on other programs on your computer such as iTunes ?

Yes. I see the ID3 tags in Jaikoz and other software. But not in iTunes or on the iPhone.

Have you tried doing Get Info on the track in iTunes, to update the refresh the details and to ensure iTunes is using the same version of the file as you modified because by default iTunes makes a copy of your file and stores it in its media folder when you first add a song to iTunes.

Or could it be this problem ?