SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Insufficient memory

I am a new user to Jaikoz and am trying to correct a library of 16000+ tracks. I get to the 15 or 17 of 18 of the scans when I run out of memory. I have so far upped the memory available on maxheap to 1636000000 in steps of 256MB. On the last occurence I tried to up the memory to 2048000000 but the JAVA Virtual machine launcher could not create the java virtual machine. The reason I am trying to bulk pick up the tracks as opposed to doing them in smaller chumks is that I know I have a lot of corruptions and duplicates and wanted the single scan to sort these out. I have a 4gbyte Dual core system with stacks of disk space so I don’t think physical limitations are the cause. Ops system is Vista Business. Any ideas?
Thanks. AndyP

Firstky check your memory has been setup correctly by looking athe first lines in the jaikoz console window when you start it up. If ok most memory is used up just loading the tracks, but more memory is also used when autocorrecting the first time.

So split into two 8,000 track set
Load and run autocorrect first set
Close down jaikoz
Restart and run autocorrect second set
Close down jaikoz
Restart loading all tracks and run duplicates should fix the issue.

Thanks Paul,

FYI the console log is
Feb 28, 2009 1:03:51 AM: INFO: Jaikoz 2.8.4 using Java 1.6.0_12 on Windows Vista 6.0 initialized successfully
Feb 28, 2009 1:03:51 AM: INFO: Jaikoz has been configured with minimum heap memory of 64 Mb, maximum heap memory of 1,550 Mb and maximum permanent memory of 64 Mb

I will do what you suggest
