SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Import/Export feature


I am having issues importing corrected tags into Jaikoz, it always seems to leave the last track out.

I export the tags to a .XLS which works fine, make the changes and save the original exported file. When importing the same file it seems to work fine with the exception of the last track which is forgotten about.

Has anyone else experienced this problem?


Hi Stum

No I havent been able to reproduce your problem, could you run some tests or give me some more info about how you are chnaging the xls file


Hi Paul,

I’m not 100% sure i’m using the feature correctly anyway…

First I add an album with no tags into Jaikoz then export to XLS file, I then search MusicBrainz for the release and save the XML from MusicBrainz for that album. I open the exported file from Jaikoz into Excel 2003. I then open the XML file from MusicBrainz onto another worksheet.

I simply copy & paste the Album name, Artist, Track details etc… from the XML file into the Jaikoz exported XLS file. Once done save the XLS file and import back into Jaikoz.

It seems to work ok with the exception of the last track which is left unchanged.

Im sure its something simple, im just doing it all wrong…


Yes I dont really understand why you are doing this. Of course you can use Jaikoz to match the track from Musicbrainz, I assume in this case it didnt find a match but have you tried ‘Manual tag from Musicbrainz’ this shows potential matches that didnt seem good enough to fix automatically, and if Manual Tag from Musicbrainz doesn’t find a match you can use the search button to search the Musicbrainz website and automatically update your track when you make a match.