SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

ID3v2.4 opened as 2.3

I have a large number of files which are tagged with ID3v2.4. When I open the folder, it shows the files as Status C, ID3 v1.1 and v2.3. Many of the tags, hence, are not formatted properly (eg. no album art).

Any ideas?


You are probably just looking at the edit view V2.3 is the default version to save as, but you can change the default by modifying ‘Settings/Save Settings’ and reopening the files. From View menu you can also ‘Show View Pane’ which will have them labelled as V2.4. If a partcilar image is not being shown correctly please email me and I will ascertain the problem

Hi Paul,

I sent an e-mail to support@jthink with an attached file showing the problem.


I have found a problem with the way Jaikoz reads large Comment(COMM) frames in ID3v24 in the underlying tag library, in your example this is causing it to ignore the Cover Art (APIC) frame as well, I should be able to make a fix available by the end of the day.

A fix is now available :slight_smile: which fixes some problems reading COMM frames and Unsynchronized frames in ID3v24, this is valid for all versions of Jaikoz from 1.5 onwards,please download:

and then install as follows:

Copy replace the existing jaudiotagger.jar file in the lib folder below the location you installed jaikoz.

Right Click on Jaikoz folder and select ‘Show Package Contents’
Navigate to Contents/Resources/Java
Replace the existing jaudiotagger.jar file with the new one.


Thanks for getting to this so quickly. I’m out of town for a couple of days, but will give it a spin when I get back.


This fix has been incorporated into the new release (1.7)