SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

Huge Library to be fixed

Ok here is my general problem. I have a music library in the excess of 50,000 music files. My issue is I had a hard drive it died 2 times so I have saved and moved all these files so now I have so many files duplicates mislabeling it?s just hated to sort.

I want to lock certain categories to be permanent which I did ages ago IE I once went through 30,000 and changed the horrific genres that Jaikoz kept tagging them. I have quite a few it labeled as numbers for a genre like 010304. I am at a loss for words how it even pulled these up every time I scan it puts numbers not even at least a semi word genre. If I go through these genres again a list of over 1000 different ones I would like the option to lock or save so it never changes them again beside going through 20 windows of do not change or to change. And when I skip do not change sometimes some of these changes are good. Like it goes from Rock to Alternative rock. That is acceptable but going from rock to <3 like is there no option for a promote when the genre just makes no sense not even sure yet again where it gets that one from?

Or is there a file database of just simple genres like 1 to 100 like Rock, Alternative, Country, which only has simplistic ones and not like indie grunge new age rock?

There are a few points to consider here.

  1. If genres are for the standard list then they can be stored as number or text, Jaikoz defaults to number but I wonder if they are displayed as text within Jaikoz and number in other program. You can set Jaikzo to always write as text with the Prefences:Save:Comptability:Writes Genres in iTunes fiendkly format

  2. But standard genres only number 1-255 so not sure where you got 10304 from, possibly form a MusicBrainz tag but are you sure Jaikoz added it.

  3. If you configure Jaikoz not to use MusicBrainz genres, and only to use Discogs genres you should get reasonable results

I thought the same thing but I have done both musicbrainz and or discogs only. They still both revert back many songs genres to a number format even doing them individually to change tags only ends up in them being reverted at some other point. I have search through quite a bit of the QA was just wondering if anyone had a simplistic archive on genres or similar problems with a large database of music and getting a headache attempting to fix it.

I dont really understand the problem but if it is reproducable it would be best to email the files and some instructions.