SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

How to refresh cache after making changes to songs

Hi folks

I’ve been using Jaikoz for just over a month to keep my network music library nice and clean. I play my music through a Cambridge Audio CXN network player.

I’ve got about 12,000 tracks loaded onto my network drive. Most are in WAV or Flac format.
When I first start up Jaikoz it take about 20 minutes to load up my entire library across my network - which drives me nuts if I just need to edit a couple of tracks.

After I have finally been able to edit my tracks, how do I tell Jaikoz to refresh its database so I can check that everything is now nice and tidy?
Without a refresh button, I have to close Jaikooz and then start up again which then wastes another 20 minutes! (another question - why doesn’t Jaikoz save its cache between sessions?!!)

Perhaps I missing something obvious here, but all suggestions would be much appreciated.

in sunny Cambridge UK

Hmm, the first time you load tracks into Jaikoz it has to read them from disk, and this can take a little longer if on network. But then Jaikoz does cache them and never has to read form file again unless they have been modified so I dont quite understand the situation you are describing.