SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

How to process unmatched and erroneous files?

Hi all! I have difficulties finding the answers I search for in the forum. Maybe you can either help me or point me in the right direction.
I have some erroneous files and some that did not match (around 100 of 2.500 in total). I miss a tool-based way to solve that issues. Is there any? I feel a bit lost, because some of the files were found and processed by MusicBrainz Picard, but not by SongKong which is wired as SongKong uses the MusicBrainz database. Picard offers a way to search by hand, if you want to make manual modifications. I suppose JThink had something in mind. Maybe he wants to share his way?
If anybody has some advice, I would really appreciate it.
Best regards from Switzerland.

hi, three possible issues preventing match.

  1. SongKong groups songs by folders or existing metadata and only allows a match if all songs in grouping matched to one release, it does this to prevent songs that already have some metadata being broken over multiple albums. It does additionally have some special handling to recognise when a folder contains random songs in which case the above restriction does not apply, but it doesn’t already get this right. Try disabling Only allow match if all songs in grouping matched to one album that shoud get you some more matches.

  2. SongKong actually uses our own Albunack server which has a complete copy of the MusicBrainz and Discogs databases with additional optimization to get better matches between the two and significantly better performance. However because it is a copy it doesn’t contain the very latest data, so if the songs that Picard matched were added to MusicBrainz recently they might not be in Albunack yet. You can browse the single artist (but not currently the various artist releases) on albunack by going to

  3. The way both SongKong and Picard work is they find potential matches then score the matches to find the best match if any. The way they do this is very different and there might be a check that SongKong does that Picard does not that prevents the match. For example SongKong compares the length of your track with the length listed on the Musicbrainz database and if it varies by too much it is rejected.

SongKong is a fully automated music tagger , manual editing is not within its remit. But its sister product provides comprehensive manual editing (plus automated editing), Jaikoz also provides a way to match to a Musicbrainz release that has not yet been added to Albunack via the Match to Specified MB Release functionality.