SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

How to process "this" for "that"?


Im wondering if there is a way for Jaikoz to automatically process a “this” for “that” option?

For example, I want {} and [] sub’d for () as well as some other grammar oddities.

How can I make it process my entire library?


Bueller? Anyone?

You can replace words and remove punctuation but you cant actually replace punctuation (your case). But you could use Edit/Find and Replace , would have to do four times

{ -> [
( -> [
} -> ]
) -> ]

[quote=paultaylor]You can replace words and remove punctuation but you cant actually replace punctuation (your case). But you could use Edit/Find and Replace , would have to do four times

{ -> [
( -> [
} -> ]
) -> ][/quote]

Thank you!!

Its better than doing it for each file!

Is that the ONLY thing that will change?

Also, can I do the same for file names? As in… sometimes I’ve had dupes and some of the dupes that were left over were labeled (3), (4) etc can I delete those on the file name string?

Lastly, you mentioned replacing words, how can I automate changing ft, featuring, etc to Feat.?

Yes you can do it for any column

Word Replacers are defined in Preferences:Manipulators:Word Replacer and for a given word replacer there is a From and To list. Then to use a word replacer you have to assign them to a Local Correct for a particular column in Preferences:Local Correct:AutoFormat. You can see by default they are already using replacer1 Word replacer.

Then you run using Action:Local Correct:Correct Artist Correct Album ectera. So you can only use them on these defined columns at the moment, for example you cannot run Local Correct against the Cat No column.

I noticed that the word replacer doesnt allow for capital differences.

For example, I want to change feat to Feat.

Am I wrong?

Next, with the “this for that” option, can the “that” part of it be left blank and it just deletes what I want?

Example, as I said earlier, I want to find all of the (3) etc I can in the filename and I want to delete them.

If I leave it blank will it process it that way?