SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

How to peoperly reconcile MBID

When I run songkong, it does not find a match. I will upload support files. But I went to music brainz and looked up the conductor, then found the recording:

it has an MBID. Is there a place I can populate this is songkong to force a match?

I also have Jaikoz now, and I noticed under the MusicBrainz tab it has a bunch of MB fields. I am just not sure which one if any map to the MBID? Ideally I would like to past this value in somewhere and have it find the album (which is a box set).

Thoughts on how best do do this?

Hi, I dont have support file yet that would explain why no match.

But on SongKong for Fix Songs to update a MusicBrainz song the song needs to contain the following fields

MB Release Id - this identifies the MusicBrainz Release
MB Track Id - this identifies the track on the Release
MB Recording Id - this identifies the song, remember a song can be on multiple releases. Should only have same recording id if same version of song.

Note only the Guid is stored (dcbbe884-1755-4cab-abd5-f9d5e96588fb) not the full url (

For example, these are the urls for the first song on this release (that could be derived from the guids in your files)




On the MusicBrainz Website on the release page clicking on the title takes us to the MusicBrainz Recording page, you can find the MusicBrainz Track Id by clicking on the Track No column, e,g clicking on track 1 wil redirect to the release page but with the track highlighted, and the trackId is the last part of the Url. But note for this particular release because it has over 100 tracks this messes up the MusicBrainz highlighting so you dont see it, but we do see it for second example below

This particular song is only on one release, but the same song can be on multiple releases.

For Example

is on many releases, so in each case MB Recording Id will be the same but MB Track Id will differ

Same applies on Jaikoz but Jaikoz has a separate action for updating already matched songs, Action:Remote Correct:Update Metadata from MusicBrainz