SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

How to organize a Source Library?


I just got Jaikoz Standard 6.1.0, read the Online Help, some posts and play some with this great app. In fact, it?s very helpfull and well thought utility to organize music libraries on the computer.

I tried Jaikoz both on Mac 10.9.1 and Windows 7, both with I5 equivalent prossessors and 4 GB Ram.

I intent to mainly use Jaikoz to organize a Source Library of mostly mp3 files on external disk (not connected to the iTunes library) and then have iTunes import or add what I need on different machines. I hope I can maintain iTunes with proper metadata, including artwork, but also with correct folder names and file names, matching the source library. I?m new on this, so I don?t know if this works fine and whether this follows the concept of Jaikoz and common pratice.

I need clarification on several itens, please:

  1. Should I precede Autocorrect with Edit (like remove whitespace and widespace, capitalise options, empty coluns or delete all metadata)? I suppose Action (like Correct subfolder from metadata, Correct filenames from metadata) should be done after Autocorrect. Why my library (separated from iTunes) sub-folders and files didn?t get named as I edit them for Title case and without whitespace and widespace, despite the full selection of all rows and using main Menu options? How can I configure AutoCorrect to do all this at once and endup with a completely new file structure and filenames?

  2. How to configure Jaikoz to have folders and filenames like iTunes organize them (artist name/album/music name? I couldn?t get this with Action. Also Edit (as describe above) couldn?t take effect. Please check the attached screen picture sample of the library I got after processing (this sample also applies for other itens bellow).

  3. How different is ?Save? and ?Save if matched?? Will ?Save and copy (and if matched)? mantain intact the source library and create an updated library?

  4. On some processing instances I got files directly under the base folder, instead of being on their sub-folders artist/album folders, what I did wrong? How I can check before saving? Should I discard these files? How to automatically create the new library without these ?runaway? files?

  5. Filter: What it means nnn ?files are visible with active filtres? when status also show ?No active filters?? How to unfilter all for shure?

  6. How to show Color Coding after editing? Can?t see colors either on Mac or Windows, except red color for Deleted.

  7. Could you please clarify item 5.1 of the Online Help last frase (In fact?)?

  8. In which circunstancies is it useful to delete all metadata before Autocorrect?

  9. What is the best practice to handle duplicates versions of the same artist/song (probably resulting from importing cd?s? Should every album be completed having all it?s songs?

  10. It seems Reset button on every page of Preferences will act on that page only and Save will act on all pages. Is that the way it works?

  11. How much impact in processing time can I expect by using the Pro version instead of the Standard version on up to 15.000 files mp3 library? I AutoCorrect 6.500 mp3 files on 12 hours (a total of 4 hours were miniprocess connecting down or busy), so net processing time was aprox 7 hours, aprox 1 hour per 1000 files on the Standard version.

  12. How to upgrade from Jaikoz Standard version I just bought to the Pro version?

Thank you,

Remove widespace, whitespace is a good idea but unlikely to make much differnce. But I would not remove metadata unless you know it to be completely wrong because Jaikoz uses Acoustids and metadata to find the best match.


Editing metadata wont automatically change the filename if that what you mean, but you can rename subfolders filenames using Action:File and Folder Correct tasks, and these tasks can be included in the autocorrecter in Preferences/Manipulators/Autocorrect

From the logs it appears that the songs have been renamed so I would double check this, its a bit confusing because sometimes renamed and saved, other times saved and copied.

Save if matched only saves those songs that have been matched to a Musicbrainz or Discogs release, ones that have not been matched are not saved even if other changes have been made to them. Save and copy makes a copy of files instead of modifying the original ones, Save and Copy if Matched will only copy those songs that have been matched. All these tasks (and most others) work on the songs selected in the row header column, or if nothing is selected they work on all songs.

Use Preferences:Table:Columns to selected columsn you want to see, enable Base Folder, Sub Folder and Filename are enabled - these make up the filepath. The split between Base Folder and SubFolder decides what part of the path is replaced by Correct SubFolder form Metadata. You can use Action:File and Folder Correct:Shift Base Folder to SubFolder to move elements between Base Folder and Sub Folder

As long as it says No active Filters then there are no filters you can double check by looking at the value of nn Files loaded also on the status bar.

Preferences:Table:Sysnchornization:Highlight Changes in Different Colour Enables/disables this but it applies to both Delete and Edit you cant turn of for just one, perhaps y9ou could send me screenshot showing this issue.

Which part, can you repeat it here.

When the metadata is wrong or nonsenical i.e Track 1, Track 2 ectera.

Probably, but that is up to you, you can modify Delete Duplicates preferences as required.

Yes, maybe that is an issue that needs addressing.

Note even with Pro version it is only faster if you setup a local copy of Musicbrainz using the Musicbrainz server Virtual machine, however if you do do that as long you have a decent machine I would expect processing to come down to a couple of hours.

Use Update License, you should have received a new license.