If i then go to Discogs and copy the release ID to that album and use Jaikoz to match to the Discogs Release Id it also fails. [/quote]
Hi, because of reliability and performance with both MusicBrainz and Discogs, and numerous api changes made by Disocgs without notice Jaikoz now uses my own http://albunack.net database, this combines MusicBrainz and Discogs into a single server providing a better service.
However, there is a lag between data being added to Discogs/MusicBrainz and the data being added to Albunack that can be upto one month
Because of this issue Match To MusicBrainz by Release Id will lookup directly from MusicBrainz if the release cannot be found in albunack, but Discogs lookup currently does not - it only looks in Albunack, I think this is the cause of your problem, I would like to add this lookup for Discogs as well.