SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

How long does it take to process 8300 Songs

No too sure, so I thought I would throw this out to the Forum to give me an idea of whats happening with my software.

Right now I have 8300 songs loaded into Jaikoz (Full Pro Licence), and its been auto correcting since last night. Currently its at 2633 songs Corrected and its been Nearly 24hrs since I started the autoCorrect process.

My computer has 4GB of Ram, AMD Dual Core at 2.6GHZ

Nothing else is running on this computer, and the Task Manager shows the standard <1GB of memory usage. The CPU usage is near 0.

Does the program really take this long? Can anyone explain what is happening??

I have a system that has similar specs. I typically try to load about 8k to 10k of files at a time. I find this typically gives me the ideal performance within jaikoz. I usually find it takes me about 15minutes to load all the songs. My auto correct usually takes about 30mins to an hour to complete. Saving all the files usually takes about an hour as well. All my files are on a NAS that is separate from the box that has jaikoz on it, so that does add some slowness (especially since my NAS has all green drives and only 2tb of ram in it). When I use to have the music on the same box, I was finding it was even quicker, about half the above mentioned time.

What functions do you have set for your autocorrect to perform? Also I would verify that you do not have any power saving functions turned on the computer(s) that might slow down the hard driver, turn off the hard drive, or put the system into any type of standby or hibernation mode.

So here is a little update.

My Auto Correct is still slow,
since my last post I’ve re installed the program and used the default settings, Cleaned my computer, and shutdown all startup programs, ran a registry cleaner.

Now the only thing running on my computer is Jaikoz Autotagger.

I’ve also Allocated More memory to the program, and move the CPU Priority up. There is not more I think I can really do on my end.

Now the program is running, still the same Song Set as last time, Just under 8300 Songs, and after 15 hours its sitting at 4500 songs.

Am I doing something wrong still?

If you have any suggestions, then please do help. My collection of songs dates back to 1997 and is in need of cleaning up.

Hi, please sen me your support files (Advanced/Create Support FIles) so I can take a look, it sounds like it is getting stuck somewhere.

I have had similar performance issues with Jaikoz the first time that it looks up a lot of AccousticalID’s from either of the two databases.

I am running in 64 Bit mode with -Jmaxheap=5536000000.

My experience has been that it eventually chugs through everything, but with 20,000 files, it has taken a couple of days to do each stage.

Please try this addresses various issues regarding performance and memory usage.

I am running on the latest (4.5.3) and I currently doing 23,000 songs.
Jaikoz has been running for two days. The first day it got through MusicBrainz, and now it is chugging through Discogs.

BTW: I think there is a minor bug in the progress box. The first line currently says:

In my case, this is actually task 2, not task 1.

Do you want to send me your support files, slower than what Im seeing.

Jaikoz is in save mode right now. Before I close out, I will save off the support files and send them in.