SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

How does Jaikoz deal with PUID hangups (pre-purchase question)

See and (and a bunch of other threads) for more info, but in short:

There’s a problem (which comes and goes) with MusicIP not responding to PUID requests, which means MusicBrainz doesn’t respond to scan requests.

In the Picard tagger, once one request hangs up like this, everything else hangs up forever. Picard can’t load album information, etc.

What does Jaikoz do in that situation?

Honestly, a workaround for this would be worth paying for in itself, never mind all of Jaikoz’s extra features (assuming it does everything else I need–which I’ll post another question about).

Jaikoz has an inbuilt retry mechanism with timeout, so if a lookup fails or hasnt returned after 5 minutes Jaikoz cancels it and retries upto 5 times, at this point Jaikzo marks the MusicIP Service as invalid and no further requests are sent.

If this happened as prt of the Autocorrecter then the Retrive Acoustic Ids tasks would be skipped over and it would move onto the next task.

If you try to run Retrieve Acoustic Ids later on Jaikoz would try again, and only mark it as invalid if it failed 5 times again.


I just tested the demo by throwing 5 files at it and Picard at the same time. Picard tagged the first one and then hung forever; Jaikoz took a long time, but tagged them all successfully. (Are you also retrying on truncated responses and bizarre things like HTTP error code -1792381254? If so, nice job anticipating a problem nobody should ever have to have thought of!)

Since the old genpuid command is actually working fine at the moment, it’s still orders of magnitude faster to pretag everything with PUIDs from the command line. And hopefully the MusicIP problem will be fixed soon. But it’s nice to know that if it goes down again when I’ve left a batch of files running for 18 hours Jaikoz would make some decent progress rather than hanging on the first error.