SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

How do I undo changes?!

When I installed Jaikoz, my music library was 85% clean. Now, I “cleaned” it and it is about 15% clean. Most of my music was ruined! Now media players cannot find files and everything is a mess. How do I revert all of the changes made? I have already closed the application… This truly is an awful application.

Hi Joshua

Sorry you are having problems but I have to say I think this is mostly due to misunderstanding on your part on how Jaikoz works. A key feature of Jaikoz is that unlike many other taggers no changes are made to your files until you select Save allowing you to review changes before committing. Secondly Jaikoz does not by default rename or move any files based on the metadata exactly so that your media players will not lose files, although there is iTunes integration available if you are using iTunes. So I can only think you fixed your songs AND renamed your songs and then saved them without doing any kind of checking. Unfortunately there is no Undo feature, in fact I know of no other tag editor that does have an undo feature except for Jaikoz’s sister product SongKong.

Now regarding matching, usually Jaikoz correctly matches about 85% of songs although the exact figure depends on the makeup of your collection and how it is organized. It is very rarely that Jaikoz incorrectly matches the wrong song, it can match the wrong album sometimes but matching is primarily group based and group songs by the folder they are in so if your songs were already highly organized as you say I don’t really see how it could have messed them up. You can enforce matching by folder only with the Preferences:Remote Correct:Match:Group Songs by Folder only

If you send me your support files (Help:Create Support Files) I will delve further.