[quote=paultaylor]How long is the total length of your filepath, I think this might be an issue with filepaths or possibly filenames on networked drives.[/quote]Not long, I actually have a test in the File renaming masks for shortening the path (an issue I ran into earlier). Here’s my rename mask for sharing’s sake:
NewAlbum=(album.length>0 ? (album.length<ShortAlbum ? album : (album.substring(0, ShortAlbum-3) + '...')) : '');
PersonalSum=(title.length+(2*NewAlbum.length)+(2*albumartist.length) + artist.length);
NewTitleLength=(title.length - WhatToSubtractFromTitle);
NewTitle=(title.length>0 ? (PersonalSum<PersonalMax ? title + ' - ' : (title.length>WhatToSubtractFromTitle ? (title.substring(0, NewTitleLength) + '... - ') : '')) : '');
(disctotal>1 ? discno + '-': '') + (trackno.length>0 ? trackno + ' - ': '') + NewTitle + (artist.length>0 ? artist + ' - ' : (albumartist.length>0 ? albumartist + ' - ' : '')) + NewAlbum
fyi: I use 150 as the “PersonalMax” to overcompensate for the possibility the music ends up nested many folders deep on some other computer.
I am 99.9999% positive this particular issue is with the final character being a period (or perhaps other non-letter-or-number characters) since every one I clicked on was an artist that ended in a period (plus all the enclosed folders and files were fine). Also, I just tried to rename a random folder on my PC to have a period at the end and the folder disappeared from Explorer.
Here’s the Folder Rename Mask I’ve come up with:
(artist.length>0 ? whichartist = artist : (albumartist.length>0 ? whichartist = albumartist : whichartist = 'noartist'));
(whichartist.charAt(whichartist.length(-1)) == "." ? artistmod = whichartist.substring(0,(whichartist.length-1)) : artistmod=whichartist);
(album.charAt(album.length(-1)) == "." ? albummod = album.substring(0,(album.length-1)) : albummod = album);
(artistmod + folderseparator) + (originalyear.length>0 ? '(' + originalyear.substring(0,4) + ') ' : (year.length>0 ? '(' + year.substring(0,4) + ') ' : '')) + (album.length>0 ? whichartist : artistmod) + (album.length>0 && (albumartist.length>0 || artist.length>0) ? ' - ' : '') + (albummod)
I haven’t been able to test it (just wrote it in notepad++) but I’m pretty sure it will work. Though only if the offending character is a period. I’d really like to change this test in the above mask:
to one that tests if the last character is NOT a letter or number. as in:
but I don’t really know how to make regex and js play well together (mostly I’m just bad at coding in general). Really, I just want to exclude any character that’s gonna cause issues if placed at the end of a folder name. So maybe I could even add underscores and dashes etc to the above regex.