SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

How do I create a PUID?

I can’t seem to create the puid, I could retrieve it from MUSICIP, but not create one? when using picard, I’d use a SCAN function that would analyse a file, create the PUID and check it against musicbrainz.
is jaikos doing that, and I’m just missing it.
because it can’t seem to figure out tracks with no ID3 info at all.

Also, for the manipulators settings, what is the best order?
I figured I should set get acoustic ID first(is that analyzing the track and generating a PUID?)

then correct tags from music brains, then all the rest of it in the same order as normal.

EDIT: I’m also stuck on figuring out how to assign Genres, is there any way that if a given track in an album has a genre it can be applied to all of them? or at least an alternative to manually typing it for each song(I tried highlighting a whole column and going to edit but that didn’t work)
and the same for artwork? I’ve found some albums it isn’t applied 100%.

And stuck on deleting a track, I looked through the help file, but it just told me that I could, not how, I clicked delete files and it deleted everything so that was a no go?

[quote=StrawberryWeasels]I can’t seem to create the puid, I could retrieve it from MUSICIP, but not create one? when using picard, I’d use a SCAN function that would analyse a file, create the PUID and check it against musicbrainz. is jaikos doing that, and I’m just missing it.
because it can’t seem to figure out tracks with no ID3 info at all.
Run Retrieve Acoustic Ids will compare the track to the MusicIP Server and return the Puid and store it in the MusicIP Id field. If you then run AutoCorrect tags from Musicbrainz it wil use the PUID (and any metadata) to try and get a match. But even if you have a PUID a match is not guaranteed because not every PUID in MusicIP is linked to a Musicbrainz Id. You can double check to see if PUID is known to Musicbrainz by selecting the file, right clicking and selecting View Online/View this PUID at Musicbrainz

Of course at the first stage there may not be a match on the MusicIP Server in the first place. In Jaikoz you cannot create Puid directly but what you can do is enabled Preferences/Musicbrainz/MuscIP/Anaylse and submit tracks that do not currently exist in MusicIP database .Then when you run Retrieve Acoustic Ids it will submit the data to MusciIP and MusicIP will allocate a new Puid for it within 24 hours. If you then run Retrieve Acoustic Ids 24 hours laters you should get the Puid. I appreciate this is a bit convoluted but is the way Music IP Works. Please note You cannot submit new tracks to MusciIP from Picard at all, it can only lookup existing Puids


Use Copy and Paste, select the field (not the text within) and then paste to the fields you want , this applies to any field

No use the context menu, select some Songs (either fields in the table , or the rows nos of the Songs you want to delete), then right click and select ‘Delete Files’.

Or do you mean you just want to delete some fields, do the same thing
but select ‘Delete’.