SongKong Jaikoz

SongKong and Jaikoz Music Tagger Community Forum

How can I verify if Jaikoz applies a preference change?

I suspect that Jaikoz is not consistently applying configuration changes for some options… Eg. iTunes update, Proxy Settings, Matching. It seems like I have to restart it for new changes to be applied.

I don’t see any messages in the user or debug log related to configuration changes. Is there somewhere else I can look to see if changes are being applied when I click “Save”?

Hmm, someone else reported a simiiar problem but I don’t have the problem myself.

So you are saying you go into Preferences, make some changes and select Save, then open Preferences again and the changes are lost. Or that they are kept but on closing Jaikoz and restarting they are lost ?

[quote=paultaylor]Hmm, someone else reported a simiiar problem but I don’t have the problem myself.

So you are saying you go into Preferences, make some changes and select Save, then open Preferences again and the changes are lost. Or that they are kept but on closing Jaikoz and restarting they are lost ?[/quote]

No %100 consistent behavior, sorry. Generally the UI indicates that the preference changes are remembered after saving and re-opening preferences. But the software doesn’t always seem to be obeying the changes. Eg, if I disable “remove deleted items from itunes” and delete a file, Jaikoz may still remove the item from iTunes. But if I relaunch Jaikoz it will obey the preference change and leave the deleted track in iTunes.

(Oddly this seems to dynamically re-link the iTunes track to the new location of the file without affecting any of the metadata… eg “date added” stays the same, but “Get Info” on the track shows that it is pointing at the track that now lives in the “deleted items” folder… It’d be great to have this same behavior with tracks that were simply relocated instead of deleted. )

I also once had all of my MusicBrainz matching options revert to an earlier state… this may have been after the computer was idle / asleep for a while, or after relaunching the software. I don’t remember.

Again, it’s not a super-consistent issue which is why I’m wondering if there is some way to verify in real-time if the preference changes are acknowledged. I have been going through the applescript logs and checking to see if the scripts have been doing what they should be doing… But I don’t know if that’s the right approach.

Ah, that make much more sense. It is quite possible that the preference has been saved but the code that uses the preference is holding a cached value for preference. I coukd have missed that as few users make use of ths particular preference.

I’ve raised this issue and will probably look at this today

Could you clarify how you want it to work for moved tracks, you mean dont update the modification data ?

I think without more evidence on Musicbrainz I’ll put that down to a glitch for now.

Ive checked it, and in fact the preference is not cached. I also tried it and worked as expected, when the option is checked the track is removed from iTunes, when it is unchecked the track remains in iTunes and when clicked on in iTunes complains it cannot find it and asks if you would like to locate it.

I tested using OSX 10.8.2 and iTunes 10.

I’ll upgrade to OSX 10.8.3 and iTunes 11, if still works
may need some more testiong at your end

[quote=paultaylor]Ive checked it, and in fact the preference is not cached. I also tried it and worked as expected, when the option is checked the track is removed from iTunes, when it is unchecked the track remains in iTunes and when clicked on in iTunes complains it cannot find it and asks if you would like to locate it.

I tested using OSX 10.8.2 and iTunes 10.

I’ll upgrade to OSX 10.8.3 and iTunes 11, if still works
may need some more testiong at your end[/quote]

I’m on OSX 10.8.3 with iTunes 11.0.2.

If I disable the ‘remove from iTunes’ preference and delete a file in Jaikoz, the track does stay in iTunes as expected. However, iTunes still plays it and shows that it is now linked to the file in the Jaikoz deleted items directory.

I see these messages in OSX Console when launching Jaikoz…

4/25/13 5:37:06.797 PM JavaApplicationStub[1595]: NSDocumentController Info.plist warning: The values of CFBundleTypeRole entries must be ‘Editor’, ‘Viewer’, ‘None’, or ‘Shell’.
4/25/13 5:37:06.797 PM JavaApplicationStub[1595]: NSDocumentController Info.plist warning: The values of CFBundleTypeRole entries must be ‘Editor’, ‘Viewer’, ‘None’, or ‘Shell’.
4/25/13 5:37:07.631 PM Finder[202]: CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary on line 1. Parsing will be abandoned. Break on _CFPropertyListMissingSemicolon to debug.

Odd database info:
“ Load Songs:End:Database song count:19895”
“5:40:58 PM: INFO: 5,948 files are loaded”

19,895 songs in database vs 5948 files in default read directory. Can I somehow purge the database of old songs?

Nevermind… I just noticed the “Empty Cache” option.

Okay, you didnt tell me you had configured a deletion folder that Jaikoz moves files to rather than actually deleting, by default files are just deleted.

So maybe this is the issue, but Im unclear exactly what the issue is now ?

Okay, Apple must have changed the format slightly, Ive riased this issue

Okay, you didnt tell me you had configured a deletion folder that Jaikoz moves files to rather than actually deleting, by default files are just deleted.

So maybe this is the issue, but Im unclear exactly what the issue is now ?


That isn’t really an issue for me. I mentioned it because it was not consistent with the behavior you reported.

The bigger issue I have been wrestling with is the inconsistency with how the iTunes database is updated after Jaikoz performs file and folder name corrections. There may be many contributing factors such as the depth of the new sub directory, special characters in the folder / file name, iTunes configuration, Jaikoz configuration and/or buggyness with the prefs.

I’m still trying to find a consistent formula that reproduces the issues.